A renting opportunity (sorry it's long)


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Lost and happy geek!
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Swindon, England
Hi Geeks, I have been offered an opportunity which I would like your opinion on.....

The is a hairdressers local to me that have 2 rooms above the salon, 1 for a Beauty Therapist and 1 for a Nail Technician. The current Tech is leaving (to be a model!) and the owner has approached me about taking over the room. I would pay rent of £20 per day (so £100 for a 5 day week) which covers rates, electric, water, etc. I would provide all my own products and manage my own diary (although the salon would book my time if I wanted). Clients would pay me direct and I would have my own key, so could be there outside salon hours.

The best thing is that I would take over all the salon's clients as well as keeping my own clients. The owner is happy I keep my own business identity and advertise for myself as well as her advertising through the salon...... Apparently all the girls in the hair salon have their nails done there and there are about 40 regular clients on the books which I would take over.

I think this sounds like a good deal, but I am interested in your opinions. I need to make a decision in the next week as that is when the Tech in-situ leaves. The only outlay will be a nail desk and a pedicure course (Creative Spa Pedicure here I come!).

What say you lot?? Thanx in advance.....

p.s. Sorry this is long!
p.p.s I'm v. excited about this!
Go for it!

That is an opportunity not to be missed!
I would say go for it too! I would do a search on here about renting too and see what you can come up with, its amazing how many things there are to consider that you hadn't even thought of!! sounds great on the face of it though..... good luck x
I would have snatched her hand off when she offered it if I were you!! It sounds a fantastic deal, grab it !!
Thank you (so far), you've all been very encouraging. My initial reaction waqs to take her arm off for it, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting carried away (as I am prone to doing!)......

If anyone else has an opinion, feel free to share it!!
Sounds like a fab arrangement - if anything maybe a little too good to be true?

I'm only playing devils advocate so no offence to anyone who is expressing an opinion :D

How about getting hold of the Tech who is leaving in a neutral situation and asking her if it really is as good as it sounds. If she's leaving anyway she'll be bound to give an honest report. Just say to her that is sounds like such a perfect opportunity and everything you could want, so what on earth could go wrong and see what she says.

My only other word of caution would be to get everything put in writing about clients, keeping your Business identity, using the salon out of hours, what is and isn't covered, etc., etc.

Better to be completely clear before you start than heartache later

Other than those two things, it sounds fab and I wish you loads of luck and love if you decide to go for it :hug:

Here I come to put the mockers on it. ;) The deal sounds okay, but don't assume that all the current clients will still loyal to you - they can be very fickle things sometimes and may use this as the perfect timimg to jump ship, , not saying they WILL be, but just to say - be careful!

Good luck and hope it all goes well for you.
I think that Trin's idea of talking to the leaving tech is the best idea. You will also get an idea as to whether she is likely to be doing a 'bit at home' along side the modellig. If she intends to do this then there is a very big possibility that some of the 40 clients will follow her. If she isnt, then it does sound a good offer. I would certainly take it if it was me. Would not sign myself into a long rental period though, have a 3 month trial period or something.

Good luck, let us all know what happens.
Thanks girls! I have spoken to the Tech who is leaving & she said 'if you're good, you'll be a success', but she has got other things on her mind right now (like a photo shoot for Nuts magazine!). She does seem to be leaving on good terms though. Really good advice Trin about putting things in writing.....

Sassy, thanks for the word of warning about clients - I hadn't thought of that. I s'pose there will always be natural turnover and some may use the change as a time to stop or go elsewhere.

Part of the reason the owner is so keen to replace her is that all her advertising offers nails as a service..... I might ask for a 3 month trial to see how it all works out?
sounds great, good luck
Vetty said:
I might ask for a 3 month trial to see how it all works out?

I think this is a really good plan - make sure you all sit down round the table about 2 weeks before the 3 months are up and honestly talk about how it's gone before you decide to renew.

I think it's a fab opportunity - even if it doesn't work out after the 3 month trial, you will have gained so much from the whole experience, either way you will benefit.

Go for it - and keep us updated, we love a success story :D


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