Accutane, before, during and after


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Wow, your skin is beautiful :)
Thank you so much for posting this. I have booked an appointment at a Dermatologist for my 14yr old son with his skin, we have tried everything from doctors to no avail, I was worried in case the dermatologist prescribed this but feel more confident now if he does. I just hope if he does get it prescribed, it works as well for him as it has for you, I just want him to get his confidence back x

I have never looked back! Ur son will be fine. Just keep an eye on him! It's a long journey but worth it x
I think it does work if used correctly and if needed, as we can see you acne cysts were quite large and inflamed, for someone with mild acne I don't always think it is needed but it does get prescribed.
Also people don't follow after care or read it!! In a recent class I was in we was talking about the effects it has on skin etc. and one girl said oh well my friend was on it and her doctor didn't tell her not to use an exfoliator so she was still using one while on the medication! Everyone was like oh that's bad! My reaction was well you get a information leaflet in the every bit of medication you get... READ IT!!

I also recommend to any of my clients to use dermalgoica ultra calming regime on there skin whiles on it! The Ultra
Calming products also help reduce the redness in the acne!!
It is only prescribed as a last resort if people only have slightly bad skin and they have tried everything their doc can give them, then roac is the last resort.
Because of how bad my skin was I was referred straight away without having to go down the normal routes. Nothing else would have treated it!
Also some docs tell u not to wash it face at all!!! My leaflet didn't tell me not to use an exfoliant. I used common sense x
Am I the only one who watched the BBC three programme about roaccutane?
If it's the right thing I'm thinking off than there was 2 guys that only used the drug for a few months. A few months after coming off it they suffered with depression and committed suicide due to side effects from the drug.
Dont mean to put a damper on this post it was just a sad programme :(
Am I the only one who watched the BBC three programme about roaccutane?
If it's the right thing I'm thinking off than there was 2 guys that only used the drug for a few months. A few months after coming off it they suffered with depression and committed suicide due to side effects from the drug.
Dont mean to put a damper on this post it was just a sad programme :(

I was under the impression that usually happened if you suffered with depression prior to being on the drug. I might be mosinformed here though. And plus everything has side effects, and I think they monitor you quite closely on this. For some people with acne this is a last resort and it usually gives them the skin they have always wished for.
WOW! your skin looks lovely what a transformation!!

i am nearly finished my course of roaccutaine - im on 100g per day!! the only side effects i have had are the dry skin which i had anyway, and the mega dry lips but i have to say its the best thing i could have done. i was so depressed with my skin, had bad spots on my face, back and chest and even my scalp. im 28 and have been suffering with this for 12 years, been on countless courses of antibiotics and creams, lotions etc which just didnt work, finally, my doctor gave in and referred me to a dermatologist and i have never looked back. im so happy and much more confident thanks to roaccutaine. it was a completely last resort though, especially with the 4 weekly check ups with blood tests and pregnancy tests and being unable to drink has been tough too haha!

anway, enough of the rambling! glad to see its working for others too. have a wonderful holiday :) xxx
I'm just finishing my second course of this! And i've been through hell with these tablets!! The first time i took them i was 19/20 & i am now 23. They made me so ill, rashes, lack of energy, nose infections, nose swelling, extremely dry lips, gave me pains in my eyes, dry skin, it affected my asthma etc!

But i hope its worked as i refuse to take them again!

But your skin looks great! :)
Am I the only one who watched the BBC three programme about roaccutane?
If it's the right thing I'm thinking off than there was 2 guys that only used the drug for a few months. A few months after coming off it they suffered with depression and committed suicide due to side effects from the drug.
Dont mean to put a damper on this post it was just a sad programme :(

I watched it too! Which is partly the reason I posted my recent pic! The programme really annoyed me, it was not balanced at all!! The stories of the two guys was horrible but when u look at the statistics of that u can see its very few ppl that suffer. One of the guys didn't tell ppl he was on it. He might of already been suffering so just because he'd taken the drug everyone blames it!!
I was fine and I know a lot of ppl who have taken the drug too and they are also fine!
WOW! your skin looks lovely what a transformation!!

i am nearly finished my course of roaccutaine - im on 100g per day!! the only side effects i have had are the dry skin which i had anyway, and the mega dry lips but i have to say its the best thing i could have done. i was so depressed with my skin, had bad spots on my face, back and chest and even my scalp. im 28 and have been suffering with this for 12 years, been on countless courses of antibiotics and creams, lotions etc which just didnt work, finally, my doctor gave in and referred me to a dermatologist and i have never looked back. im so happy and much more confident thanks to roaccutaine. it was a completely last resort though, especially with the 4 weekly check ups with blood tests and pregnancy tests and being unable to drink has been tough too haha!

anway, enough of the rambling! glad to see its working for others too. have a wonderful holiday :) xxx

100mg! Blimey!! It's gets even better when ur off it, the side effects take a while to go but in no time ull b where I am now! :)
I'm just finishing my second course of this! And i've been through hell with these tablets!! The first time i took them i was 19/20 & i am now 23. They made me so ill, rashes, lack of energy, nose infections, nose swelling, extremely dry lips, gave me pains in my eyes, dry skin, it affected my asthma etc!

But i hope its worked as i refuse to take them again!

But your skin looks great! :)

Aw:( I really feel for u! I hope it works too xxxx
It is a very slim chance to get side effects that severe. But still, if anyone feels different or not themselves on it, then they should consult someone and not shy away.
Beauty_sarah your skin looks amazing im really pleased it worked for you! I agree with you also, i watched that programme and yes it was very sad but they forget to show the millions of others who havent had those side effects.

A little different but when i went on the contraceptive pill i felt awful, i cried all the time and became very depressed it took months for the effects to wear off but my friend who took the same was fine! Not a hassel in the castle as she used to say ;)

Anyways sorry for going of topic, im really pleased for you xxx

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Funny u should say that because it was the coil that caused it all! And yet some ppl are fine on it!!! X
Funny u should say that because it was the coil that caused it all! And yet some ppl are fine on it!!! X

Isnt it strange how differently people react to things! Xx

Sent from my GT-S5830 using SalonGeek
I may just throw the cat amongst the pigeons here and should say I have posted in favour of Roaccutane before.... HOWEVER.....I am in a slightly different place now!!!
I was on Roaccutane twice when I was in my late twenties. First time they had to take me off it as I had a severe reaction to it and my face swelled up pretty badly. I managed to complete the course on the second attempt and was thrilled by how effective it was. Sadly my gorgeous daughter developed horrendous acne at around 14 or 15 and we eventually were referred to hospital for a course, which again did the trick (though she still has bad scarring). But then to my shock my son started to suffer from huge boils on his neck and his back and chest...he was hardly even 12. Back we went again and eventually they referred us on to hospital where they monitored him carefully till he finished his course. So three success stories I guess until now. My son has just been diagnosed with diabetes at 16, though we're not entirely sure why or which type as he has no symptoms at all apart from raised bloods. The doctors and hospital are baffled by him as he fits no typical mould. You may see where I'm going with this.... as I also developed diabetes around a year after taking Roaccutane and again I fit no mould. In fact the doctors have me down as a 'Twilight Zone diabetic' as they have no idea why I have developed it. Thankfully my daughter seems fine. I have been looking into this and if you google it (goddam internet) there appear to be more than a few of us out there who took Roaccutane and are now diabetic. I honestly don't want to be a scaremongerer but wanted to share my experience and to see if anyone else knows anything about this.
Yes I was aware also of the suicide statistics. I actually do know someone who's career was ruined by Roaccutane as he became so depressed that he couldn't continue in his field and to this day is angry about it. I have read that there is also a possible link to Crohns Disease!!! If you get pregnant whilst on the drug it is an immediate termination!! All of these are scary enough but I am very concerned about diabetes as it just seems too much of a sad coincidence for my son and myself. However I have asked myself would I still take it...and do you know on balance I probably would!! I found chronic acne to be one of the most debilitating ailments and one which can actually cause depression in itself. It affected my life so badly that I completely sympathise with anyone who suffers. I am older than many of you ;) and I used to have a career in the airline industry. Imagine the humiliation of being publicly laid off work for a while because I had bad skin.
So yes Roaccutane is amazing...but like many drugs do we know all the facts? I still feel that there is a possible connection to our diabetes and I would love to know if anyone else has heard of this.
Boy this was long winded...sorry didn't mean it to be. Once I started I just couldn't stop :lol:
When was the programme on? Wish i'd seen it!

I was told about the serious side effects. About depression etc & immediate terminations, towards the end of my second treatment i was starting to feel really sad & would burst into tears for no reason! Also the fact i was sick of all the side effects i had!!

But its worth it in the end when you have clear skin for the rest of your life :) 🙏 x
I may just throw the cat amongst the pigeons here and should say I have posted in favour of Roaccutane before.... HOWEVER.....I am in a slightly different place now!!!
I was on Roaccutane twice when I was in my late twenties. First time they had to take me off it as I had a severe reaction to it and my face swelled up pretty badly. I managed to complete the course on the second attempt and was thrilled by how effective it was. Sadly my gorgeous daughter developed horrendous acne at around 14 or 15 and we eventually were referred to hospital for a course, which again did the trick (though she still has bad scarring). But then to my shock my son started to suffer from huge boils on his neck and his back and chest...he was hardly even 12. Back we went again and eventually they referred us on to hospital where they monitored him carefully till he finished his course. So three success stories I guess until now. My son has just been diagnosed with diabetes at 16, though we're not entirely sure why or which type as he has no symptoms at all apart from raised bloods. The doctors and hospital are baffled by him as he fits no typical mould. You may see where I'm going with this.... as I also developed diabetes around a year after taking Roaccutane and again I fit no mould. In fact the doctors have me down as a 'Twilight Zone diabetic' as they have no idea why I have developed it. Thankfully my daughter seems fine. I have been looking into this and if you google it (goddam internet) there appear to be more than a few of us out there who took Roaccutane and are now diabetic. I honestly don't want to be a scaremongerer but wanted to share my experience and to see if anyone else knows anything about this.
Yes I was aware also of the suicide statistics. I actually do know someone who's career was ruined by Roaccutane as he became so depressed that he couldn't continue in his field and to this day is angry about it. I have read that there is also a possible link to Crohns Disease!!! If you get pregnant whilst on the drug it is an immediate termination!! All of these are scary enough but I am very concerned about diabetes as it just seems too much of a sad coincidence for my son and myself. However I have asked myself would I still take it...and do you know on balance I probably would!! I found chronic acne to be one of the most debilitating ailments and one which can actually cause depression in itself. It affected my life so badly that I completely sympathise with anyone who suffers. I am older than many of you ;) and I used to have a career in the airline industry. Imagine the humiliation of being publicly laid off work for a while because I had bad skin.
So yes Roaccutane is amazing...but like many drugs do we know all the facts? I still feel that there is a possible connection to our diabetes and I would love to know if anyone else has heard of this.
Boy this was long winded...sorry didn't mean it to be. Once I started I just couldn't stop :lol:

Wow that is very scary! It very much sounds like there is a link between the drug and the diabetes and I hope you get the answers you are looking for. Xx

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