Annoyed-last minute cancellations


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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
hull, UK
How do people have the nerve to cancel an hour before their appointment?!
Just had a text from an old friend which makes it worse saying she's not been well all week thought she would be better but she still feels rubbish so she needs to cancel her 2pm! Why couldn't she let me know this morning so I could try and fill it!
Not only that, but my other two appointments for this morning cancelled last night, I'm yet to leave the house! (Im mobile) so my only appointment today is now a £20 gel polish at 4:30 when I was booked to earn £100 :(

Never had such a rubbish day for cancellations :(
My point do I enforce a cancellation fee or policy? As I'm mobile I don't want her or others to think I am being harsh. Because they obviously know I have no one to answer to and I make the rules so I can't exactly say 'sorry, it's company policy'
I don't have anything on my facebook page to say about cancellations..could anyone advise me on what I could put for future appointments? Thanks

I have just written this out, just wanting to check it's okay before I post it online..
My point do I enforce a cancellation fee or policy? As I'm mobile I don't want her or others to think I am being harsh. Because they obviously know I have no one to answer to and I make the rules so I can't exactly say 'sorry, it's company policy'
I don't have anything on my facebook page to say about cancellations..could anyone advise me on what I could put for future appointments? Thanks

Cancellation fees are difficult to enforce. You can start taking deposits for appointments (they can give you their credit card details when they book). If they keep the appointment, the deposit goes toward their service. If they cancel, without sufficient notice (I'd say 24 hours), they forfeit their deposit.
If they cancel, without sufficient notice (I'd say 24 hours), they forfeit their deposit.

Thanks for that. I've reworded my policy :)
If they cancelled with sufficient notice, would you refund their deposit?
Thanks for that. I've reworded my policy :)
If they cancelled with sufficient notice, would you refund their deposit?

I would try to get them to reschedule and use it to hold the new appointment. But I guess, if they don't want to come at all, you'd have to refund.
I had a client cancel a 2 hr appointment 20 mins before. I have told her that unless the cancellation fee (1/2 price of the treatment) is not paid, then no further appointments can be made. Sounds harsh? My appointments time is important, others are waiting.
Stick to your guns with cancellations and time wasters.x

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I have had this a lot lately too! I wonder if people are just realising they are having to start saving for Christmas already?! Had one woman cancel 4 times its just the most rude thing ever!
I don't mind cancellations with enough notice that I can fill them it's when they cancel on the day or like today an hour before! It's just so rude!
I've put a cancellation policy in place now i just feel like I'm being unfair on those who never cancel
Isn't it annoying when this happens! I had this happen a few times so I introduced a cancellation policy. If someone cancels with less than 24 hours notice (or is a no show with no communication ) I ask for 50% fee before they can book another appointment. I have only had to enforce this once, but the client came and paid the missed appointment fee and has not messed me about again. My evening slots are popular so I ask for 50% deposit up front to secure the booking. If they don't turn up or cancel with less than 24 hours notice they lose their deposit. I state this as part of my booking policy on my website.

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Client think we sit around twiddling our fingers!

I re-arranged an appointment for a lady who was flying to Dubai for her sons wedding. She booked for 3pm same day she was flying out, as her sister inlaws told me she can't organise herself.

I text to confirm her appointment at 11am, I get a text 2 hours later saying yes she will be coming and wants a "quick" pedicure as well! I text her back saying I've only got a slot for shellac, as per her confirmation 4 days ago.
She then said to be it's taken a lot for her to arrange to come to me, and even last time she couldn't get a pedicure done. Last time she came to me she one hour to do shellac before SHE had to go for a birthday party, so not my fault as I had the availability to do it.

She then said she'll leave the manicure and come some other time! I was so mad because I re-arranged appointments to do after work during the week.

Some people have no consideration and think we are just waiting around for them to come.
I take credit or debit card details on booking. The clients are told they are for security of the booking, no payment will be take off the card unless they want to use those details on the day to pay for the treatment. They have 4 hours to cancel appointments if necessary and if there is a no show or a cancellation in the 4 hour period they are aware a full charge of that appointment will be taken. If they are willing to do so then it's a bonus and if not we have card details so if they are not agreeing to pay up you remind them you have taken card details as a deposit, they soon change their tune. If they kick off we try charge 50% of the treatment. If they are normally a very loyal client and its a one off then we would waver it and let them off.
Hope this helps!
411 I can't believe the cheek of some people! I also hate it when I turn up and they say oh I've decided I'm not having a gel manicure now i want acrylics instead. OH OK then I'll just add another 45 minutes/an hour to your treatment time without any notice..? What planet are some people on! Very frustrating.
Gmf02 thank you yes it's good to get an idea of what everyone else does. I didn't want to feel harsh putting a policy in place. I don't know if you feel the same I'm presuming you work in/have a salon? But I feel being mobile people don't really take me seriously in regards to policies etc even when I ask them to fill in a record card I've had 'ohh do I really have to do that even if your just mobile...I thought it would just be proper salons who had to do it' Obviously I still make them do it but I just think people expect mobile techs to be less strict with policies...
I can imagine it's much harder mobile, I am in a spa and that's how we work. But if you are strict and still do the cancellation policy and consultation records it just shows how professional you are. If they were to go into a salon they would get that so why should they not expect it from someone mobile. If they don't respect you and your business then they are the ones in the wrong. You could maybe even explain on the phone when they book in with you for the first time that when you arrive you will ask them to fill out a consultation form. We also explain this if it is there first visit so they are aware it will be asked of them. Then when they arrive and fill it out ive had plenty clients saying, do you really need all this information if I'm just having my nails done. I stay professional and tell them it's for their safety and its to make sure they haven't got any allergies or contraindications to your treatment. Once you make them realise it's for their sake not necessarily ours as therapists it tends to calm them down. I then explain that they won't need to fill it out again unless any medical information changes! You're the professional not them so don't let them make you feel guilty or worried! X
I wouldn't use that attachment:-/ it sounds almost personal. U need it to be business like and detached.
For eg. From ??? Date, a deposit of ??? Will be required for all bookings. Unfortunately this is due to recent last minute cancellations. As you can appreciate such cancellations means other clients cannot avail of the appointment at late notice. Thank you once again for your custom....
Yeah I didn't use that one in the end anyway lol re read and re wrote it soon after I posted it thanks everyone your advice :)
Thanks Helen. It's funny how much of a difference it makes writing something in the heat of the moment and then going back to it later on and reading it lol. It does look personal I agree. Thanks for your help x

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