Hi you guys i'm on maternity leave at the minute had a back to work interview today i wanted to go back part time cause i wanted to start my home based salon up in a few months starting with a mostly evenings so h2b could mind the baby so we cut childcare, i love my job but the only days i can get someone i trust and pay can only do it at the start of week, guess what they offered me friday and saturday said i was the key to their business and these were the busiest days what babysitter in their right mind wants to babysit every saturday. I so do not know what to do know, i feel disappointed as i helped them out so much while on maternity leave and built the business up thi last six years, but i feel they cant even meet me half way. Now i dont know wether to give it up completly and set my mind on my business but i'm afraid of taking that step and i do love my job!:cry: