Anybody else experienced this?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Hey geeks... I am feeling so so rubbish at the moment. I am qualified in beauty to level 2 and also qualified in CND shellac and spray tanning..which I just love doing. I live at home and can't currently afford to move out so I currently do mobile ( my bf has to drive me which isn't ideal yet he is the only person that 100% supports and believes in me) .

I don't feel my family are very supportive in wanting me so have a career in beauty as as I have experienced it is quite unpredictable especially when starting out. I have got a part time job in retail... Which is okay...but I don't want to work in retail. So my plan is to have a bit of guaranteed money coming in from my retail job while slowly building up clients.

I'd love to one day be a full time mobile shellac tech and spray tanner...but it's so difficult when you've constantly got family telling you to pull your head out of the clouds and that people are never happy with there jobs and you jut need to get on with it and pay the bills. I no so many people that hate there jobs, and I just don't see the point in being miserable in your job!
I want to be happy and to love what I do and do it with a passion. I just wanted to no if anyone else had family that weren't as supportive as they could have been and how they dealt with this. if anyone has been able to do shellac and spray tanning full time? If it is possible? Or do I really have my head in the clouds? Lol.

Thanks geeks xx
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Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. If you give up because of family, then they have won. So go out there and do what you want to do. Remember this quote.

"If you always do what you've always done, you
will always get what you've always got. If you want
things that you've never got, you must do things
you have never done"!
When I left school my mum talked me out of doing a beauty therapy course so I did my A-Levels, failed them and eventually I became an even planner it was ok, it paid bills, but recently I started job hoping and could not settle into it. Then I got ill and had to quit my job so next week I start my CND complete course and next year I plan to do an NVQ in cosmetic make up. So my Mum absolutely was not correct in talking me out of what I knew I wanted to do. So I guess what I'm trying to say is you keep on following your dream. The reward will be so much sweeter when you succeed
Parents only want what they feel is best for their children. There is very little money in beauty if you are purely a therapist. The wage is poor and generally there is no ladder to climb. You are competing with thousands of others doing the same job and prices of services are continually lowering and devaluing the industry. ( as so many threads state the same on here). Be realistic, take calculated risk and don't always think your parents are wrong. :)

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When I left school my mum talked me out of doing a beauty therapy course so I did my A-Levels, failed them and eventually I became an even planner it was ok, it paid bills, but recently I started job hoping and could not settle into it. Then I got ill and had to quit my job so next week I start my CND complete course and next year I plan to do an NVQ in cosmetic make up. So my Mum absolutely was not correct in talking me out of what I knew I wanted to do. So I guess what I'm trying to say is you keep on following your dream. The reward will be so much sweeter when you succeed

Thanks for your reply. I also have done a lot of job hopping this year...which I feel really reinforces that there's only one thing I want to do!.. Beauty!
I wish you the best of luck with your course and future. Let us no how you get on.

Thanks for your reply. I also have done a lot of job hopping this year...which I feel really reinforces that there's only one thing I want to do!.. Beauty!
I wish you the best of luck with your course and future. Let us no how you get on.


I agree, I was encouraged to do a levels and go to uni by my parents even though I wanted to do beauty! I did just this and got two degrees and was a social worker for a few years! However I was unhappy, never saw my child and was always longing for more! When I had the second baby I made the decision to retrain in beauty and then saved up and did nails!

Have faith, yes as a previous poster says it's a challenging competitive world but at the end of the day if you love it then your much more likely to stick at it and make it a success! I don't agree with it mattering that beauty doesn't pay so well, as Money isn't everything as I found out- yes you need to pay the bills but being happy whilst doing it is crucial! If you have drive and passion you can and will go far in this industry!

Your family want the best for you I'm sure, but I bet they want you to be happy too! And ultimately you know what is best for you!
I don't agree with it mattering that beauty doesn't pay so well, as Money isn't everything as I found out

Are you serious! ..can never understand this comment. ...

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There's no point working in a high paying executive type job if it means you have no quality of life at work.
Work as many hours as you can in your retail job and save your pennies like crazy because when you start up by yourself you're going to need that money to back you up.

In regards to the family. They just love you and want to see you do well in life. But in saying that. Don't ever give your services away for free. Even to family. If they want their nails or tan done, then they'll pay or cook you dinner or something in exchange. The people I give free haircuts to are my parents and my husband. My parent supported me emotionally and financially while I was training, and sported some pretty horrible hair cuts for my benefit. My husband gets free haircuts because he certainly won't look pretty if he clippers it off and I won't have him paying some other woman ;)

So keep at it. Head down, tail up. You will get there. And it will be hard, but it will be SO worth it.
I don't agree with it mattering that beauty doesn't pay so well, as Money isn't everything as I found out

I really agree with this. I've been in a job I've hated on 3 times as much as I earn now. And I would never go back. I used to cry on my way to work thinking 'do I really have to do this for the next 10 hours'
And the answer was no. I was already qualified in beauty. I quit my job the next day with a weeks notice. And had a job in a spa 3 weeks later and I've never looked back. It was a risk but the best thing I've done.
I can still afford to live the life I want to. And save for holidays and other luxuries instead of just having the money.
You live to your means.
And I 100% think do what makes YOU happy. Not what other people want you to do or what pays the best.
You only have one life why spend it being miserable and negative all the time?

Laura xx
Ha ha I am aware everyone is different. .. but the thought of earning minimum wage and doing 50+ hours a week would make me miserable. End of.

Where exactly is the quality of life in that!

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I agree that parent's want the best for their children and listen to their advice by all means but parent's can't live their children's lives for them. Children have to develop their own minds by making decisions and learning from their own mistakes.
Are you serious! ..can never understand this comment. ...

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I don't mind if you don't get it.... it doesn't really matter. What matters is that for those of us who have experienced earning a lot yet fundamentally being miserable in our jobs, we have made right changes and that we have chosen the best path FOR US! What's right or relevant to you might not be for other people! And vice versa. Everyone's different. And if you don't get it then that's cool, I'm not trying to get you to understand so there's no point debating it, proving to or explaining it with you. Just don't let your views put a dampner on other peoples spirits!

To the OP if you want it go out there and get it- if you don't try you will never know!!!
You do whatever your heart tells you too. I've got 4 A Levels and degree, a masters and a PGCE. I was a musical director, teacher, owner of a theatre school, well known in IOM, worked with a lot of famous people etc. I earned a lot of money. My husband earned a lot of money and my in laws were very wealthy. On the outside (even to my mother) I had a wonderful life. Non of that made a difference. My husband was abusive, my mother in law made it abundantly clear I was not welcome or part of the family and my mother never believed a word I said. So after 10 years as desperation set it I thought my only option/way out was to be dead. I had a breakdown. I got taken to hospital and from there got help to boost my self esteem and learn to rebuild my life. I was allowed to have my hair and nails done in hospital. When I came out of hospital I refused to leave the house. I was so frightened of the world and what it might do to me. So occupational health and the mental health team helped me find something to focus on. I chose a course in Nails. It was only a home learn one but I loved it. I started doing friends nails when they came to visit me. Then I started going out to visit them. Then they would pass my number to their other friends etc. I began to get a life. A life that was on my terms. After 9 months on my own in the IOM I felt able to come back home to wigan. It didn't feel like giving up anymore and letting him win, it felt like moving on with my new life. 3 years later I have a mobile business. I've retrained with a reputable company and added several other services. I have my own (rented) flat, car and boyfriend. I don't earn anywhere near what I did but I wouldn't change it for the world.
To the lady that doesn't understand that money isn't everything... That's your choice as long as you're happy then it's the right thing for you.
To the OP ... Sometimes we have to sacrifice something to make us happy. It all depends on what you want from your life. If it's money and possessions then you know what you have to do. Or if it's a more holistic approach like mine. Like I said at the beginning listen to your heart. I just wanted to show you that everybody's story is different. It's your story, nobody else's. Good luck with writing it xx
You do whatever your heart tells you too. I've got 4 A Levels and degree, a masters and a PGCE. I was a musical director, teacher, owner of a theatre school, well known in IOM, worked with a lot of famous people etc. I earned a lot of money. My husband earned a lot of money and my in laws were very wealthy. On the outside (even to my mother) I had a wonderful life. Non of that made a difference. My husband was abusive, my mother in law made it abundantly clear I was not welcome or part of the family and my mother never believed a word I said. So after 10 years as desperation set it I thought my only option/way out was to be dead. I had a breakdown. I got taken to hospital and from there got help to boost my self esteem and learn to rebuild my life. I was allowed to have my hair and nails done in hospital. When I came out of hospital I refused to leave the house. I was so frightened of the world and what it might do to me. So occupational health and the mental health team helped me find something to focus on. I chose a course in Nails. It was only a home learn one but I loved it. I started doing friends nails when they came to visit me. Then I started going out to visit them. Then they would pass my number to their other friends etc. I began to get a life. A life that was on my terms. After 9 months on my own in the IOM I felt able to come back home to wigan. It didn't feel like giving up anymore and letting him win, it felt like moving on with my new life. 3 years later I have a mobile business. I've retrained with a reputable company and added several other services. I have my own (rented) flat, car and boyfriend. I don't earn anywhere near what I did but I wouldn't change it for the world.
To the lady that doesn't understand that money isn't everything... That's your choice as long as you're happy then it's the right thing for you.
To the OP ... Sometimes we have to sacrifice something to make us happy. It all depends on what you want from your life. If it's money and possessions then you know what you have to do. Or if it's a more holistic approach like mine. Like I said at the beginning listen to your heart. I just wanted to show you that everybody's story is different. It's your story, nobody else's. Good luck with writing it xx

You do whatever your heart tells you too. I've got 4 A Levels and degree, a masters and a PGCE. I was a musical director, teacher, owner of a theatre school, well known in IOM, worked with a lot of famous people etc. I earned a lot of money. My husband earned a lot of money and my in laws were very wealthy. On the outside (even to my mother) I had a wonderful life. Non of that made a difference. My husband was abusive, my mother in law made it abundantly clear I was not welcome or part of the family and my mother never believed a word I said. So after 10 years as desperation set it I thought my only option/way out was to be dead. I had a breakdown. I got taken to hospital and from there got help to boost my self esteem and learn to rebuild my life. I was allowed to have my hair and nails done in hospital. When I came out of hospital I refused to leave the house. I was so frightened of the world and what it might do to me. So occupational health and the mental health team helped me find something to focus on. I chose a course in Nails. It was only a home learn one but I loved it. I started doing friends nails when they came to visit me. Then I started going out to visit them. Then they would pass my number to their other friends etc. I began to get a life. A life that was on my terms. After 9 months on my own in the IOM I felt able to come back home to wigan. It didn't feel like giving up anymore and letting him win, it felt like moving on with my new life. 3 years later I have a mobile business. I've retrained with a reputable company and added several other services. I have my own (rented) flat, car and boyfriend. I don't earn anywhere near what I did but I wouldn't change it for the world.
To the lady that doesn't understand that money isn't everything... That's your choice as long as you're happy then it's the right thing for you.
To the OP ... Sometimes we have to sacrifice something to make us happy. It all depends on what you want from your life. If it's money and possessions then you know what you have to do. Or if it's a more holistic approach like mine. Like I said at the beginning listen to your heart. I just wanted to show you that everybody's story is different. It's your story, nobody else's. Good luck with writing it xx

10 YEARS.... the husband wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes with me. ..! You were just a victim of circumstance. .you had the money. .the point of your story was you had an abusive relationship. .and left Nothing to do with your ability to earn money or be unhappy in your working life. Such a sad story but the outcome was positive. :)

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Ha ha I am aware everyone is different. .. but the thought of earning minimum wage and doing 50+ hours a week would make me miserable. End of.

Where exactly is the quality of life in that!

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Exactly my point- it would make YOU miserable. Doesn't mean it would necessarily make everyone else miserable! My dads a Gardener earns next to nout, works outside all day, through wind and rain, doing hard, physical and very manual work- my worst nightmare but he wouldn't change it for the world! And who am I to judge or tell him he shouldn't or can't do it?
When I was trying to decide whether to buy my salon everyone told me I was too young and didn't have any money behind me but it was still what I wanted so I asked for a sign.. I was scrolling along through face book when I seen this pic..

Well needless to say that was enough for me. I am the happiness I've ever been and I just love my salon but Id never have it unless I took the risk. Hope everything works out for u as it did for me xxx
Exactly my point- it would make YOU miserable. Doesn't mean it would necessarily make everyone else miserable! My dads a Gardener earns next to nout, works outside all day, through wind and rain, doing hard, physical and very manual work- my worst nightmare but he wouldn't change it for the world! And who am I to judge or tell him he shouldn't or can't do it?

No one suggested to tell anyone they couldn't do it! I wouldn't do it personally but then not many people would relish the thought of having 5 businesses. ..and all the grief that comes with it.... but I like having money and the freedom to do what I want when I want. .. not look at my diary and realise I have 50 hours of labour to do. There is no right or wrong here. .. it was purely my observation nothing more.

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No one suggested to tell anyone they couldn't do it! I wouldn't do it personally but then not many people would relish the thought of having 5 businesses. ..and all the grief that comes with it.... but I like having money and the freedom to do what I want when I want. .. not look at my diary and realise I have 50 hours of labour to do. There is no right or wrong here. .. it was purely my observation nothing more.

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Ok that explains a lot about where your coming from - Maybe because your already doing what you want to be doing and obviously doing it well, is why it's so easy for you to speak from the point of view your are coming from. If you think back to when you first started I'm sure somewhere along the line you took risks, you worked hard and you achieved - rome wasn't built in a day and nothing good comes easy- many very successful entrepreneurs started off grafting 50 hours a week! Look at Alan sugar lol!

Just because it may seem hard at first doesn't mean it should be avoided al together! I would love to be in your shoes one day- to have 5 businesses and am not afraid of a bit of hard work to get them!

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