Awful nails and little lines across acrylic?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Hi Geeks,

I did an embarassingly awful set of nails on a client yesterday, its on my blog rather than here. :cry: What I found puzzling was that when I started to refine the acrylic I got lots of little horizontal lines across the surface. I know pretty much for certain that I was working too wet, would that have caused them? :sad:
Hi Geeks,

I did an embarassingly awful set of nails on a client yesterday, its on my blog rather than here. :cry: What I found puzzling was that when I started to refine the acrylic I got lots of little horizontal lines across the surface. I know pretty much for certain that I was working too wet, would that have caused them? :sad:

I have to say, that I have actually never seen anything like that due to working too wet in fact I have never seen anything like that period. :eek: Got to admit I'm stumped on this one!!!

Did this phenomenon appear on every single nail ?
To be honest I was "in denial" by then so I can't actually remember if it was on every nail, it was certainly on most of them. It looked as if they were etched into the surface and they were across the whole surface.
Did you use lots of smaller beads to try to build or even up the surface or anything like that?

Or maybe you were patting and stroking the wet bead so much that as you were doing that and it was going hard, you created lots of small ripples or waves in the gooey product? It sounds something like like that could have happened, to me.
I know I was struggling to pick up a big enough bead so did end up applying a few smaller ones. And when I looked at the nails a couple were very thin so I added some more product . . .is that it, do you think Geeg?
My client, bless her, wants to try again, she is coming over tomorrow night. I am terrified!
I know I was struggling to pick up a big enough bead so did end up applying a few smaller ones. And when I looked at the nails a couple were very thin so I added some more product . . .is that it, do you think Geeg?
My client, bless her, wants to try again, she is coming over tomorrow night. I am terrified!

Yes, I think that is it. I just think your surface was bumpy from pulling beads over each other and not getting it smooth .. nothing to worry about so forget it now.

Now listen ... calm down and take your time and remember to breathe!!

Don't try to impress, just do your thing as you have been taught and as you have practiced. If you think a bead is too wet then scoop again .. too dry and disgard it ... there is no shame in either so don't worry what she may be thinking and don't place the bead until you are happy it is right. .. this is how you learn.

Relax and enjoy it and don't think about the last set. Do a few practice nqails before she arrives so you are comfortable in your space and with the temperature. :hug:

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