Best glue for pre bonded ?


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May 15, 2012
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Hi I'm currently using micro rings and me and my customers love them , I'm a qualified hairdresser of over 16 yrs , only problem I'm finding is that in very very blonde hair / very very fine hair the rings can show and sometimes look at bit unsightly , this is even when not going to far up , so on the odd client I was thinking of doing mainly micro rings but maybe one or two rows of bonded nearer the top ?? But not very familiar with what types of glue are the best , ive had customers say they've had pre bonded in the past and they've either shed a lot or all come out after a few weeks or the glue has gone flaky and white after a few weeks ?? So basically what I want to know is what is the best product to use . I took a full set of pre bonded out a few weeks ago and replaced with rings , and although they were a nightmare to remove the actual bonds were very tiny / not very noticeable and just like a tiny bead but very firm / hard , no flaky ness at all infact like I said it took ages and ages to break down the bonds , but very neat , just a small bead like the size of half a grain of rice .infact once replaced with rings the micro rings were far more visible than the bonded , the bonds were obviously firm and stayed in very well as you could see the 2-3 inch regrowth , so basically what's the best product that fits this description ??? Anyone know ?? And do I just melt on with a fusion want then rub together ??
Can someone shed any light please or help answer my question ?? I'm a wud lm a qualified hairdresser of over 16 years but specialise in micro rings so not very familiar with bonding products / pre bonding / fusion method
Are you qualified to install pre bonded? The only reason I ask is that the questions you have are not what you would expect from somebody who has done a pre bonded course.

With regards shedding this isnt something you would typically see with pre bonded hair, more with loose hair that has been installed using a glue gun where the extensionist has made their own bonds

pre bonded italian keratin stays rock solid
No I'm trained in micro rings , I'm also a fully qualified hairdresser of over 16 years alsom, not just some Random person who set up doing hair extensions after going on a 3 day course or something , I'm wanting to stick to the micro rings as mentioned above but just wanted to know what is the best glue for pre bonding for the odd customer who has really thin / fine hair , I would just like to know for future reference as I may do a couple of rows futher up the head with bonds and the rest with micro rings as the rings can be quite visible on very thin hair / blonde hair , I've done pre bonded extensions a handful of times in the salon I used to work in so i know the technique but not over familiar with bonding products as like I say I prefer micro rings and that's the method I use 100 percent of the time and so do my customers so I'm not wanting to switch over or anything . I've seem a few bad hair extensions on my customers who have come to me with pre bonded wanting them removing and replacing with micro rings , the hair was all matted , big hard lumps of glue that just wouldn't budge even after soaking in the correct remover / crunching with pliers .
No I'm trained in micro rings , I'm also a fully qualified hairdresser of over 16 years alsom, not just some Random person who set up doing hair extensions after going on a 3 day course or something , I'm wanting to stick to the micro rings as mentioned above but just wanted to know what is the best glue for pre bonding for the odd customer who has really thin / fine hair , I would just like to know for future reference as I may do a couple of rows futher up the head with bonds and the rest with micro rings as the rings can be quite visible on very thin hair / blonde hair , I've done pre bonded extensions a handful of times in the salon I used to work in so i know the technique but not over familiar with bonding products as like I say I prefer micro rings and that's the method I use 100 percent of the time and so do my customers so I'm not wanting to switch over or anything . I've seem a few bad hair extensions on my customers who have come to me with pre bonded wanting them removing and replacing with micro rings , the hair was all matted , big hard lumps of glue that just wouldn't budge even after soaking in the correct remover / crunching with pliers .

I think what Studio58 is trying to say is hairdresser or not if you are not trained in prebonded or even fusion for that matter then you will not be insured to fit in a clients head.
Sure, I read your background. Does that mean you automatically have the knowledge and skills to install any method of extensions you choose?
Yes the lack of insurance was one of the things, and the assumption that being a hairdresser means you can do anything you want that is hair related.

If you were just qualified to cut, you wouldnt then just have a bash at a full head of foils?
I don't understand how you can bash down on people doing a 3 day course of you're not even qualified to do it? You won't be able to be insured for pre bonded if you have not been qualified in it, hairdresser or not. Even if it is just a row.

As Studio58 said just because you're a hairdresser does not automatically make you able to do everything with hair and be good at it for that matter. Yes it will give you a background of hair and placement but pre bonded are very different than micro rings. Even if you are just putting in a few near the top you still need to be insured and also know what you are doing as bonded are very different from micro rings. Especially things like type of glue, closing them and making sure they don't slip etc. I just find it a bit odd saying because youre a hairdresser and done micro rings you can go ahead and do pre bonded. They are completely different systems.

And not to be rude but be the looks of your question about "do you use a heat wand and then just rub together". You really need to go and get the proper training, hairdresser or not, before starting to do this on customers.

This is an interesting side of the spectrum because usually on here we talk about non hairdressers doing extensions but it is also bad for a qualified hairdresser doing extensions when they are not qualified in a particular method.
Sorry I asked .... O the other spectrum seeing as this has been turned into something else how can someone with no hairdressing background and experience just set up doing hair extensions ?????? Hair extensions after installing need blending in / possibly cutting etc ? So how can someone who's not trained do this and do a good job ??????????? Works both ways !!!!
got to chip in here without causing any bad feeling. From my lengthy experience, an experience extensionist fitting 6-10 sets of extensions per week, who attends regular training and does intensive research would be more likely to be provide a better service than (not meaning you here vicshairext) a qualified hairdresser who fits maybe the odd set here and there. I personally pick up lots of clients who have been to big name hairdressers locally who have clearly fitted the extensions badly. I trained in hairdressing many years ago but went down the extension route and choose to specialise in extensions as this is where my passion lies. I totally agree that attendance of a one day course doesnt make someone an expert in extensions but neither does undertaking a hairdressing course as it is so varied, I feel even hairdressers should invest in the correct extension training xx peace and harmony to all!!
These type of threads can run and run from what I have seen, all i would say is that sometimes experienced hairdressers that come on a course can be the worst 'students' as they 'just want the certificate' and have picked up poor habits through being self taught & are not open to learning because they dont need to as they are 'experienced'
Cutting and blending of hair extensions is completely different to cutting natural hair anyway... have seen quite a few of my clients go to a non-extension hair dresser... against my advice... and they have ruined them because they have not known how to do it.
and I too have picked up clients who've been to professional hairdressers who wouldn't cut the extensions as "they are awkward to cut!" client then walked away with a mullet -
Well you non qualified hairdressers but trained extensionists are going to be biased and so are us qualified hairdressers with years n years of hairdressing experience are too , so best just leave it at that , not getting into petty online arguments over who's better than who , I only came on for a bit of friendly advice , I wish I hasn't of bothered !!!!!!!
Instea of coming for "friendly advice" book a prebonded or fusion training course the questions you have asked will be answered there. There is no point anyone here giving you the information for you to need the course anyway and learn fully
Here we go again lol x
Cutting and blending of hair extensions is completely different to cutting natural hair anyway... have seen quite a few of my clients go to a non-extension hair dresser... against my advice... and they have ruined them because they have not known how to do it.

So I'm trained in prebonded and micro rings (strand by strand) does that mean I can fit a micro ring weft?

No, completely different placement and weight balance.

Besides, Id rather go to a technician which is a. Qualified in prebonded, b. insured, c. Has knowledge of the method and d. Knows cutting and blending.

Hairdressing extensionist - yes, non-hairdressing extensionist - yes, hairdresser who can colour my hair, cut my hair shorter and gimme a perm... No way!

I'd rather have someone who is passionate about the industry and knows what needs to be known that someone who goes on forums asking questions like that!
This thread needs to be closed
Why?? I think it's important that this was taken up. Because there are a lot do threads on here bashing down on hair extensionists without NVQ in hairdressing. This shows a different side to the debate in my opinion.

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