Break up highlights


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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
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Hi all again!
I'm looking for a bit of advice following all your help last week regarding my colour which came out perfectly thanks to all the input!

I have a client I have only done a few time she has heavily bleached hair from her previous hairdresser, I'm looking to break it up a bit still keep it blonde but add some nice tones - she still likes it blonde

So here's what I'm thinking:

She's a natural base 7

Use bleach with 30vol

Any input or alternatives would be appreciated! This page seems better than my level 3!
Many thanks [emoji8]
Theres no need for 30vol on a base 7.

What about using just 8.3 instead of 7.3 and 9.3 alternating just so you're not messing with a few different bowls, thats if she just wants it breaking up a little.
Great idea with the 8.3 instead. Less products to use too! Would you only use 20vol? The ends are very light?

Do you ever do highlights with bleach a high lift say 12/03 and maybe 8.3? Another client just wanted to mix it up a bit or will 12/03 give me the sameish result as the bleach?
Great idea with the 8.3 instead. Less products to use too! Would you only use 20vol? The ends are very light?

Do you ever do highlights with bleach a high lift say 12/03 and maybe 8.3? Another client just wanted to mix it up a bit or will 12/03 give me the sameish result as the bleach?

Start with 10vol and work your way to 20vol at the highest. Low and slow is the way to go. The heat in the foil will aid the lightener.

I'd never touch 12/03 with a barge pole[emoji23] it will definitely not give you the same result as bleach. But highlifts are a really tricky subject and hard for some people to get your head round but it really does depend on natural depth, you're not going to get a clean 10 on anything below a 7, sometimes you do but its very rare and even still on a 7 there will be a lot of warmth.

I'll do highlights alternating a bleach and highlift yeah but when i lowlight i'll always use the negative weave as the lowlight to avoid it looking like stripes or like you've missed a foil out.
Il defo do that with the lower peroxide! Less damage the bettwr!

Really I thought it would be nice and light with a tad of gold! What about 12/81? I'm back to college tomorrow so will bombard her-not that I have much confidence in her now! Thanks for the tip of using the negative weave Iv not thought of that but bet it gives a much better result!

Also thanks for ur advice on my client the other day her hair came out perfect [emoji2][emoji2]
You never need above 20vol unless for balayage.

No you've got to remember that you're exposing undertones when you lighten, /03 in the colour is going to add to that undertone. You'll still have orange in there too because you won't have neutralised that because pheomelanin is more resistant to oxidation which means it won't be completely dissolved.

So what you'd actually be left with is a 10/34.

No problem.
They are very technical words! Il play it safe and go for 12/81 or 12/1! X
I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, as I am genuinely concerned.

Would it have been an idea to brush up with a Level 2 refresher, after a long break from hairdressing, rather than going into a L3. I mean no disrespect, but it sounds like you could do with a basic refresher course?

I do apologise if this offends, but I've noticed a number of your posts and you don't seem to have a grasp on the basics.
No offence taken:

I feel I am very qualified for a level 2 for me it's a confidence thing I over think and panic. I have a great customer base and am receiving Lots of recommendations, I found this site really helpful when I can across it so for me id rather ask others opinions and put my mind at rest and stop over thinking. I haven't realy ha a long gap from hairdressing I have been doing regular clients for the past 5 years but as my son started school in September I threw myself into it x
Really, Iv used it a few times and have always got on great with it x
Yep I have some knowledge of it
Yep I have some knowledge of it

Some or you're completely confident of what colours are opposite each other and what colours neutralise each other?
Not completely confident you have helped my knowledge some what! Toning is my problem! In my salon they never toned so don't have much knowledge x
The wella thread u done was fab!
Are you familiar with the colour star?

So high lift are different, I thought being /1 it would neutralise any yellow? I should be using 12/61 instead?
So high lift are different, I thought being /1 it would neutralise any yellow? I should be using 12/61 instead?

Why would /1 neutralise yellow?
I always thought 1 was ash but ur post explains it neutralises nothing! X

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