Nat Tov
Well-Known Member
I qualified this time last year in NVQ3 beauty and ever since I took my final step from the college foyer leaving it all behind - long to be in the beauty industry working - but for myself!! My dilema is - I have a house to run, rent to pay and a child to support. I have no bloke that can support me whilst I relish my dream:cry: (well I have the bloke-just not the financal support! lol) Same old, same old...... I have thought of selling my car to get start up funds, possible bank loan but besides the start up money blah blah - Should I be listening to my family and hold back? Is now not a good time with the recession? I have no spare time to go mobile to begin with and my family think I'll struggle to get clients. Ideally I want to rent a room, maybe in a hair salon? (have my eye on one in a PERFECT location, too scared to ask in case I get a know!) I have started planning costs of equipment and analysing local salon treatment costs to obtain an average. I've got the name sorted, skills - just no B*LLs!!! (thank god!:lol Joking aside:Grope:, i'm so driven to do this but my lack of support is holding me back and fear I won't make enough to pay everything. Is there EVER a right time? I imagine going into Business is the same in theory for having kids! There never will be a good time. Your all 'professionals' is business generally good? I'm quite prepared to GET customers and work hard at it. There will only be me - how difficult can it be?? I'm scared to leave my full time job for something short term that may belly flop. Any advice welcome.