Chocolate face mask


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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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I've got a pj pamper party next week where ivd got the ypung girls making their own choc mask to put on and I need a recipe for a chocolate face mask
Please please has anyone got one they would kindly pass over to me
what a great idea we would like to know this as well
does your insurance cover you for making your own products? for handmade chocolate products that are certified.
yes i would be very careful and maybe phone your insurance to find out , i know home made products are a tricky area ..
I would either use a ready mixed non-setting masque suitable for the skin type or mix regular clay ingredients that you would have learnt with at college (calamine, kaolin, magnesium) and add drinking chocolate or cocoa powder in sufficient (not too excessive) quantities to make it smell & look like chocolate. You can't do any harm as long as you carry out a normal consultation.
You can also just mix the drinking choc powder with water to a paste consistency.
* Incidentally this is what a very well known spa uses when they 'run out' of the chocolate body masque in the Chocolate & champagne wrap!
There are literally loads of recipes on t'intenet, most fairly easy, some quite messy.

As has already been mentioned, I'd be inclined to check with your insurance you're covered to mix up your own, especially given the clients are youngsters (worth double checking you're covered for this too actually).

Failing that, buy some in that's already made up & perhaps where you just need to add water or some other liquid :)
So would you recommend that I didn't mix the mask just bought ready made ones and used them? If so can anyone recommend a place I can buy them from
Thanks for you help
For chocolate treatments cognito is a one stop shop :)
I get all of my chocolate pedicure products from there :) mmmmmmmm all the way! :)

Jurate xx
Hi been on the website but don't know if it's me being dizzy but don't seem to be able to order any of the chocolate mask:( confussed
If you pm Blue Rose she'll be able to sort out an order for you :)
Could I ask what the difference would be from an insurance purpose to you mixing choc powder and water at home as suggested above or buying in a branded powder mix and adding water to it please?

Don't do skin stuff so don't really know lol
Could I ask what the difference would be from an insurance purpose to you mixing choc powder and water at home as suggested above or buying in a branded powder mix and adding water to it please?

Don't do skin stuff so don't really know lol

Not 100% sure from an insurance point of view as each company will probably have their own guidelines as to what you can & can't do. An individual would need to check their policy to see if they were covered or not but assuming they did conventional powder & liquid masks at college there generally shouldn't be an issue.

What I would say the main issue is, as mentioned earlier in the thread, a spa passing off a luxurious chocolate wrap if literally only cocoa powder & water was used! Can't imagine many clients being too chuffed if they knew that!

The advantage a therapist will have with buying a branded product is that the guess work is taken out of the equation. All they need do is add water or some other liquidy product to form the mask. A bit like many of the companies that do algae masks which are a powder mixed with a liquid.

I can't speak for other companies & their ingredients but the chocolate mask that I make has far more to it than just cocoa powder :)

To the OP, my website that has been linked is geared for retail products. Should anyone wish to have trade price lists, they can use the contact form on my website :)

Some of my friends have actually nicknamed me Lindt as I'm now starting to specialise in chocolate face & body treatments plus chocolatey bath & body products.
Not 100% sure from an insurance point of view as each company will probably have their own guidelines as to what you can & can't do. An individual would need to check their policy to see if they were covered or not but assuming they did conventional powder & liquid masks at college there generally shouldn't be an issue.

What I would say the main issue is, as mentioned earlier in the thread, a spa passing off a luxurious chocolate wrap if literally only cocoa powder & water was used! Can't imagine many clients being too chuffed if they knew that!

The advantage a therapist will have with buying a branded product is that the guess work is taken out of the equation. All they need do is add water or some other liquidy product to form the mask. A bit like many of the companies that do algae masks which are a powder mixed with a liquid.

I can't speak for other companies & their ingredients but the chocolate mask that I make has far more to it than just cocoa powder :)

To the OP, my website that has been linked is geared for retail products. Should anyone wish to have trade price lists, they can use the contact form on my website :)

Some of my friends have actually nicknamed me Lindt as I'm now starting to specialise in chocolate face & body treatments plus chocolatey bath & body products.

And your customer care is outstanding. And... you are incredibly patient with crazy clients, lol ;-)

Jurate xx
And your customer care is outstanding. And... you are incredibly patient with crazy clients, lol ;-)

Jurate xx

Haha, it's the eejit posties you've got to watch out for!!
As we're on the topic of chocolate here's a little something I made the other day


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they look good enough to eat , i have a hankering now for a cupcake , lol
they look good enough to eat , i have a hankering now for a cupcake , lol

I've tried to put more pics on but technology is getting the better of me just now :confused:

Technology 0 Sarah 1 :)
Have managed to create an album with some of my product images if anyone should wish to have a looksee...
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I've tried to put more pics on but technology is getting the better of me just now :confused:

Good! I'm struggling to keep away from the chocolate as it is without you posting these yummy pics!

It's just cruel!

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