Client always late


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Jun 2, 2015
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Hi guys I try to go above and beyond for clients but I have one client who is constantly late!!! And starting to really take the Michael! She waits till the very last minute to refer extensions and 'NEEDS' them done by a certain date (usually cutting it mega fine) then she will expect to be slotted in last minute and then turn up on average 30 min to an hour late! There's always an excuse.... I've been blocked in a car park/ que at the bank/ dead battery blahhhh blahhhh blahhh
She's a sweetheart and my cousin which is harder but what do I say? X
You should only need to say it once
"As you're so late I can only do x amount as I have someone in after you/got the dog at the vets" Anything but doing her treatment. She does it because you let her.

She can be lovely and related but you need to give her boundaries that are immovable x
I treat any late clients, whether family or not, the same. If they are late I tell them that I will still need to finish their treatment by the appointed time (mainly as I don't believe it fair to make the next client late), and I will be charging them the full amount for the treatment, even if I have miss bits out of the treatment (normally by cutting the massage down, missing out the mask or similar). If the nature of the treatment means that I can't miss anything out (such as an eyelash tint), or they are so late that we mutually decide not to do the treatment that day, then I charge them the 50% cancellation fee. If they don't like it and choose not to come again then personally I don't mind, I prefer to base my business on reliable, regular and respectful clients. I find if you are firm and set boundaries from the outset then you don't get problems further down the line.
Completely agree with the above comment. You need to set boundaries for her or she will keep doing this. Realistically how much money are you making off her if, for example , she is getting a set of acrylics, and you've to block out 2.5 hours for her to allow for the 30-60mins thats she is going to be late on top of what should only be 1-1.5hr treatment. That is not using your time efficiently at all. You need to be "fully booked" just once when she texts last minute and "needs" her nails done by a certain time and like the above poster said, assign the time (lets say 1hr) and thats it and when she arrived, tell her she has cut into her treatment time. She will only do it the once!!!
I also agree with the folks above. Appointment time is appointment time. You have other people paying their hard-earned money and are on time. It's not fair nor is it ethical. There is one more trick in the bag, that I have used a few times for those who are chronically late. I tell them their appointment is at 1:00 PM, but actually the appointment is for 1:30. ;). But seriously, people treat us how we teach them to. It's a very true saying.
Thank you all so much, these are very true! I'm going to have to get harder with her... She tries it on at every opportunity even asking for a higher discount as she's a 'porper'!! She said earlier "well I'll just buy the hair off you and have them done else where then..... " she said it Really arsey..... Then had the cheek to say "you won't rush my extensions now will you" grrrrrrrr!

I hear you and I know you must feel so frustrated. There is a big opportunity to make a change here. But it isn't easy. I totally get how hard it is to run a business and keeping our customers is so very important! It's not a luxury economy and there is much risk to be had.

At the same time, I think it's worth the risk to use this specific client as practice. I clearly don't know exactly how she is, as I am not there. But, from what you are sharing, it sounds like she is much like the three year old who pushes those boundaries. We can all relate to this. She tries something out on you, maybe a bit of cheek or being late and then telling you not to rush...this is a moment for you. She is tipping her little toes over the line and looking at you to see what you will do. If you do nothing, those toes will go further next time.

She may not be a bad person and you are not a pushover. It's just human nature sometimes. But this is your business and you seem to have a great deal of integrity. Part of growing your business and strengthening your integrity is to grab these moments and get your foot in the door. You can do it with kindness and respect, but it still will require a certain amount of honesty.

One of my fav things to do is play "Best and worst case scenario". What's the absolute worst that can happen if you tell her that being late is not longer OK and that you will not be selling her hair to go elsewhere. You are happy to do her hair and really appreciate her business but just cannot go along with not feeling valued. Same as she would want.

The worst that will happen is she will leave in a huff and never come back. Maybe she will even talk about you in a negative way. However, I seriously doubt anyone who is your customer is going to believe anything negative about you.

What's the best that can happen? You can teach her that it's not OK to treat others the way she is treating you. And believe it or not, that is the compassionate thing to do! You can come away knowing your boundaries and feeling very good about yourself!

OK, so now I sound like I am blathering along. But really, you are doing a great job and you deserve to be treated with respect!
Thank you all so much, these are very true! I'm going to have to get harder with her... She tries it on at every opportunity even asking for a higher discount as she's a 'porper'!! She said earlier "well I'll just buy the hair off you and have them done else where then..... " she said it Really arsey..... Then had the cheek to say "you won't rush my extensions now will you" grrrrrrrr!
You should only need to say it once
"As you're so late I can only do x amount as I have someone in after you/got the dog at the vets" Anything but doing her treatment. She does it because you let her.

She can be lovely and related but you need to give her boundaries that are immovable x
Completely agree! It's rude and thoughtless that she obviously disregards the fact that her lateness may also mean that she is running into someone else's appointment?!
Miss_Redd is very wise!
It doesn't matter if you have a client scheduled after or not. An appointment is just that: an appointment for a specific time. It's not a free for all, show up whenever you feel like.

I give people approximately ten minutes. If they saunter in after that, I just tell them I can't do their service as they are late. They have the option to reschedule. Anyone who is late as a habit is not welcome back. My time is valuable too. Same goes for no shows. You get one. Then you are no longer my client if you do it again.
That's so rude and frustrating! I expect family to respect me above anyone else. They are the ones who should have your back.

Let her buy the hair off you at full price of course and see if she can find someone to fit them for the price she's used to, at a time she wants and if they're any good.

I bet she comes grovelling back in a heartbeat x
Thank you all so much, these are very true! I'm going to have to get harder with her... She tries it on at every opportunity even asking for a higher discount as she's a 'porper'!! She said earlier "well I'll just buy the hair off you and have them done else where then..... " she said it Really arsey..... Then had the cheek to say "you won't rush my extensions now will you" grrrrrrrr!

time to woman up! tell her straight out before the appointment that she needs to be on time, tell her no more discounts and if she wants to go elsewhere that's up to her, if she goes ahead tell her a time 15 minutes earlier than when you're actually taking her.

If you being firm and maintaining standards means you lose her then no big deal as sounds like she is more hard work than she's worth.
You guys are Blooming great! Right I'll let you know how it goes xxx
I would make a point of booking a client directly after her appointment and maybe text or call before to confirm her time and say just checking that's still ok for you as I have my next client straight after so won't be able to run over and then if she does come late just do what you can in the time you have got. When she sees you do have other clients straight after she will hopefully respect your time more.
As for her asking for cheeky discounts, just laugh it off and say you would love to but your supplier has increased their prices so you can't afford to give any more discounts.
I would make a point of booking a client directly after her appointment and maybe text or call before to confirm her time and say just checking that's still ok for you as I have my next client straight after so won't be able to run over and then if she does come late just do what you can in the time you have got. When she sees you do have other clients straight after she will hopefully respect your time more.
As for her asking for cheeky discounts, just laugh it off and say you would love to but your supplier has increased their prices so you can't afford to give any more discounts.

I actually did text her twice the day before and the same day asking her not to be late. She then called me and said " you wouldn't believe this, but......."

You need to nip this in the bud, she is making an absolute clown out of you. If she is not there by the appointment time, give her 10 minutes and after that either cancel her appointment or cut it short. If shes due to be there at 4, and finished by 5:30, if she gets there at 5, explain shes an hour late, and you will need to be finished by 5. she clearly has absolutely no respect.

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