Client unusual nail shape and colour


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Jul 6, 2013
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La la land
Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone has an explanation about this and advice. (Photographs attached). A friend of a friend has been texting me recently about getting her nails done. She's never worn nail extensions but would like to for the Christmas period but has warned me she has an "odd" nail shape. It's only the one nail she has like this. The rest are all C curved. It's almost got an angle to it and when looking at the nail plate from above it never has the square shape she desires due to the random angular look to it. It also has a dark thick line running through the middle of the nail and she has no idea where it's come from or what it is. She has sent me images of her nail. She says it's her right hand and middle finger. She dug her nail into her hand so you can see the print of the shape of it (random I know lol take a look)

Any ideas what it could be and if a nail enhancement will be okay on it? I was thinking maybe a sculpted nail enhancement may be better? the only explanation I can think of for this nail shape is maybe when she writes she puts a lot of pressure on her finger. Really not sure why it's like that.

Thanks in advance folks :)


I'll be watching this thread :) .. Just because I have a nail like this but I broke it when I was little and pulled out all my nail bed etc, had to have reconstruct surgery on my middle finger, now the sides don't bed into my nail they are detached if that makes sense? This nail hardly grows at all and most salons won't touch it with acrylic nails etc, only one - they use them sticky tabs and form the tip them selfs if this makes sense? Which is a bummer as I'd love to get my nails done on a regular basis :( but only one salon will touch it :( and they are not impressive! It's only a nail lol :) xx
It looks like some kind of trauma to me but thats just my opinion. How long has it been like this did she say x
I'll be watching this thread :) .. Just because I have a nail like this but I broke it when I was little and pulled out all my nail bed etc, had to have reconstruct surgery on my middle finger, now the sides don't bed into my nail they are detached if that makes sense? This nail hardly grows at all and most salons won't touch it with acrylic nails etc, only one - they use them sticky tabs and form the tip them selfs if this makes sense? Which is a bummer as I'd love to get my nails done on a regular basis :( but only one salon will touch it :( and they are not impressive! It's only a nail lol :) xx

I assume by sticky tabs you mean they sculpt the nail?
My mums nails are exactly like this, but only on her middle 3 fingers.
There has been no trauma or infection, it is just how they grow, almost a half square instead of a C curve.
When placing forms on her nails to sculpt, (Bio Sculpture gel) I trim the nail right back, as the shorter the nail is the easier it seems to be to work on them.
From the top view of the nail they look lovely, she has a high natural arch and long nail beds, it's only when sculpting it's noticeable.
There is nothing unusual about this. Why do some people have straight hair and a few that are curly? It's just how it grows.

It looks like all her nails are quite long already. Does she really want longer? It she want tips with overlays then the best application would be to file them down. But why when they are already long?

If she just wants them a bit longer they why not just sculpt a small added length? There is no reason why a form would not fit under this nail
I have a client who's all 10 nails grow like this naturally, no trauma or anything. She does have arthritis in her hands though not sure if that would make a difference xx
A couple of my nails used to grown like this, I've trained them up with gel and corrective filing and they now go perfectly straight! Took a while though!
I would overlay these! She's got lovely
Long nails. If she has any broken just sculpt the broken ones x
My mams nails are getting like this from arthritis. Could she have anything like that?
I would have to agree with Mum, she already has lovely long nails, so why would she want to make them longer?
If she is just wanting fancy nail art etc for the Xmas period, then this can be done with polish, paint, gel polish, stamps etc, there is no need to go the extension route just for a bit of pretty.

Her nail, I believe, is one of 2 things, trauma or it just grows this way.
If this has been a life long problem then it can still boil down to those 2 things, she could have damaged her matrix on this finger when she was too little to remember and damaging the shape of her matrix could cause this issue OR this is just the shape of her matrix which in turn contributes the the shape of her nail.

As for the line, again I put it down to the same thing. I have a line going down one of my big toes that is very similar and I know it was caused from trauma when I was a toddler.

The bottom line is, if it doesn't hurt, isn't infected or causing any physical discomfort, she is just going to have to live with it, just like Mum said, if a person has curly hair but wants straight hair, it's not naturally possible, it's called "that's life" :)

I would use a form and sculpt extra length is this is what she really wants but if she was my client, I would be encouraging her to grow her natural nails, keep them in good condition with cuticle oil (her nails and skin could definitely do with some cuticle oil) and with the many weeks until Xmas, she will have natural nails to be proud of.
Morning All!

Thanks for the fantastic feedback on this post. I wanted to get more info from this lady before I responded. she sent me a photo of all of her nails. They are beautifully naturally long (for now).

She has told me that she hasn't suffered any trauma that she knows of but possible when she was younger. She recalls fingers trapped in car doors, living room doors and she had sliced this finger pretty badly in her teenage years with a blade but on the opposite side of the angular shape it's now got. (Checking my whatsapp conv with her one sec...) she also says her nails are quite weak and flexible usually. Quite thin and dull, which is evident from the pics... oh and she says her nail has been like this for as long as she remembers but the line she never noticed before so isn't sure if it's recent or not.

I totally agree with some of the above though. I don't think it's a major issue and from the images she sent afterwards she seems to have lovely naturally long nails but she is adamant this growth rarely happens and rarely lasts. For that reason I've suggested she gets a dose of shellac after a nice express manicure if she doesn't want to damage her natural nails but promote the health and longevity of them. I've found with my own nails shellac works wonders to strengthen them and they grow super long. It may just be a case of curiosity for her and I think sometimes when you notice something on yourself, you notice it as a 10x more magnified problem than it will ever come across to anyone else.

Haha and of course when I saw the photo the first thing I thought to myself was oh that poor finger/hand needs some SolarOil loving!

Thanks all for the great responses! Really appreciate it x


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