Clients asking-are your staff any good?


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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2007
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Does anybody ever get clients booking appointments and asking if the therapist/hairdresser is any good? I rent above a hair salon doing beauty/nails but the phone line for the hairdressers is the same so when I take appointments for them sometimes I get the client on the end of the phone asking are they any good and it really drives me mental I feel like saying no they are ****!
Does anybody else get this?
I ask that and what I mean is 'Are they as good as you or don't even think about giving me someone that isn't good'. I think it's a fair question.
Years ago before I found my brilliant hairdresser I had lots of less than satisfactory experiences of obvious poor cutting skills, even from those who considered themselves to be 'senior' stylists.

I got so fed up that when trying somewhere new I would ask, 'Who is the most popular?' I would apologise for my question knowing it was awkward but I had really had enough.
Unfortunately, no matter which industry you're in clients/customers will ask if your employee knows what they're doing if they're new, sometimes clients ask for reassurance because I know from myself that I would be a little anxious when I go to a salon and get a new therapist/hairdresser because I really don't know what their work is like. For an example when I get nail enhancements I like them shaped a certain way and not a lot of nail techs can do it, where as my regular nail tech can do it perfectly and is very talented and automatically reads my mind and always knows and does what I want!
Everyone has their own style of how their work is and sometimes it doesn't suite all clients I guess that is why they ask but I definitely wouldn't ask and just hope for the best!!
Elaine. Xx
Oops sorry I forgot to add, I dont ask because no co-worker or salon owner would tell you if they're not good!!
Lol yes we have had it asked for years! It goes over my head and I just reassure the client all our stylists are excellent. The problem is even if the salon had poor stylists they are not going to say 'no they rubbish'. But great idea to ask for most popular, if you can't get an appointment ;-))
Oops sorry I forgot to add, I dont ask because no co-worker or salon owner would tell you if they're not good!!
Very true but if you say it with a menacing tone, they'll book you in with the best one. Lol. Joke!
Very true but if you say it with a menacing tone, they'll book you in with the best one. Lol. Joke!

Lol Kim, hope that does not backfire on you if the person on the phone is a complete b**** and decides to book you in with the worst ;-). Stylists can be very twisted lol
Asking if a stylist is good isn't likely to be that useful a question.

However, I don't think there's anything wrong in asking who is the best at cutting short/long hair, colouring, hair ups etc. depending on what service you require. If they say everyone is perfect at everything, I'd be more wary.

My current stylist is classed as a junior stylist because she hasn't got years of experience in that particular salon but she's brilliant at cutting short hair, which is what I want. I tried a couple of the more expensive/senior stylists in the salon but prefer my 'junior' lady as she has a real flair for cutting. When I first booked her, I had a free initial consultation and asked her lots of questions and from her answers, I knew she was going to be perfect for me.

I prefer to go to a salon rather than ask friends as the whole paying thing gets awkward as they don't like to charge me properly and then I feel I can't be fussy with them either.
I think asking if someone is a good hairdresser is also representative of someone who has had a bad experience.

I often ask who is the most experienced with cutting curly hair. Believe me, I ask that from my own experience of some hairdressers not understanding 'the curl'. Looking like Shirley Temple has never been a preferred look for me.....!

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