cnd update newsletter


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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2003
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hi everyone
i have received my update newsletter from creative today .:) i have just had a good read of it with a nice cup of coffee.i really enjoyed it and i am now going to order some of the specials ;) i love a bargain:lol:
one thing though ..i am a bit worried about the what's hot and what's not section .
short tailored power nails :eek: are in !!!
glitter is out:eek: ...i have only just mastered the ruby red slipper technique:evil:
well i have never really been a follower of fashion and i do love my loooooong nails especially the glitter:biggrin:
so as i have never been in..i should imagine that means i will never be out :o
take care


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Those nails are lovely, i too love my nails with glitter, but i do think short french manicure looks lovely on my clients.

Lisa X
wow....!!! Love those nails Debbie! :cool:
I must say I really did enjoy the Update Newsletter.
It gets a big THUMBS UP from me! ;)

I finish early on Wednesdays and it was just lovely to come home, put me feet up with a nice cup of coffee in one hand and the CND newsletter in tother!
Thank you all - so glad you like it - Debbie your nails look seriously great - very impressed!!! The HOT/NOT is more about enamel than actual product - I'm still Ruby Red Slippered so don't worry!!!
Yes I agree with you girls..........well done Samantha excellent bit of work......much better than just the old sheet of offers we got. And as for those nails..........I likey, likey, likey!!!!

Hey, I haven`t had an update, I do hope its on its way. After picking the last one up at the Chelmsford OSNS I was soooooooooooo impressed and have been eagerly waiting for the next one.
I have to say I don`t like the short tailored nails with a dark polish, I much prefer them with a french look.
But give me glitter any day
Just reading mine as i speak.
lots of great offers

Got mine today.....................It Rocks Samantha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Got mine to, i love a bargain was on the phone ordering in minutes, great read too

Paula x
I haven't got mine either. I'll eagerly await the post tomorrow! Can anyone post tonight about any really good offers to wet my appetite??
Hi all,

I was just wondering, how do i go about getting a CND newsletter???
Marbella :cool:
Mrs Geek said:
Thank you all - so glad you like it - Debbie your nails look seriously great - very impressed!!! The HOT/NOT is more about enamel than actual product - I'm still Ruby Red Slippered so don't worry!!!
thank you for your very kind comments mrs geek:cool:
and i am so glad you are stil wearing ruby red slippers at least i won't be the only unfashionable nail tech ;) :o
i have always just missed the boat when it comes to fashion :rolleyes:
every girly needs a bit a glitter so i`ll still miss the boat :lol:
Just out of interest...........seeing that the newsletter is bi-monthly........does this mean that the offers also run for the 2 months?

Peppercorn Nails said:
Just out of interest...........seeing that the newsletter is bi-monthly........does this mean that the offers also run for the 2 months?
I honestly don't know the answer to that but Business Services would sorry Adele!
Dear All - again, thank you for the great response!! All our sub-distributors - Essex
Milton Keynes
were sent there submitted amounts on Monday last week; they are supposed to send them to their own customers!! Our system sends the Update to anyone who has bought from LEEDS in the last 6 months so if you donn't buy from us direct but want a copy - please call your local sub!!! I am so glad you are all enjoying it. I would like to say that the LOOK of Update is totally down to my bro Christian and the Marketing Department - I just write the articles but I do try and make them fun!! The Hot/Not section is what filters down from Fashion Weeks etc - you really don't have to follow this to a 'T' - after all, you are the ones who shape the fashion in nails styles - your customers will wear what you tell them...this is just a seasonal guide!!!:)
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