Cobwebs in packet of biscuits!


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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2013
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Hi all, just looking for abit of advice really on thursday i went food shopping and my son loves these broken biscuits I buy so I put 2 packs in the trolley and when I got home one pack went into the cupboard and the other I poured into the biscuit barrell, I noticed somthing on one of the biscuits but it was covered in crumbs so just left it thought it was just part of the biscuits, then later in the day my son had one in his hand and I noticed the crumbs dangling off it again so I took it off him and I was sure it was a cobweb, when I went to look at the rest they were all covered in cobwebs!!!! I put them all into an airtight container and took pictures I have emailed enviromental health and am still waiting for a response, (cant ring as I have a bad cheat infection at the moment and choak when I try speaking) im unsure what to do as my son was sick thursday night, he is fine now and he was only sick once but I am disgusted! !
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Hi all, just looking for abit of advice really on thursday i went food shopping and my son loves these broken biscuits I buy so I put 2 packs in the trolley and when I got home one pack went into the cupboard and the other I poured into the biscuit barrell, I noticed somthing on one of the biscuits but it was covered in crumbs so just left it thought it was just part of the biscuits, then later in the day my son had one in his hand and I noticed the crumbs dangling off it again so I took it off him and I was sure it was a cobweb, when I went to look at the rest they were all covered in cobwebs!!!! I put them all into an airtight container and took pictures I have emailed enviromental health and am still waiting for a response, (cant ring as I have a bad cheat infection at the moment and choak when I try speaking) im unsure what to do as my son was sick thursday night, he is fine now and he was only sick once but I am disgusted! !
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I understand your concern but why do you think that everything that is packaged is going to be acceptable. There are loads of cases of things like this friend had a massive spider in the bottom of her ready meal from M&S, I've opened cans of tomato's to find string inside, bananas carry spiders even after they have been disinfected. Tins of fruit with bugs in.... if you search the net someone picked up a loaf of bread with a mouse inside it. ..that's not to mention restaurants, I even had a bug trot out from under my burger bun...gross i know but sometimes unavoidable.

Although reputabe companies have the correct procedures in place sometimes it is inevitable that things like this happen, there are insects that get into the smallest of area's, spiders are everywhere, then the food is stored for a time until it hits the shelves - it is not unique. It would be interesting to see what environmental health say to you, if anything at all. :)

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Just bin the biscuits and don't worry about it, I'm sure your son being sick was a coincidence.

I think we all have a bit of accidental insect eating each year. Gross but usually harmless x
I just think its wrong you buy food thinkin its safe to eat and especially for a 2 year old I would be happy if they just did an inspection of the factory they were made in I understand some thing are uncontrollable like someone said little insects getting into the smallest of places but one of my friends said the same thing happend to her from the same kind of biscuits so that gives me the impression they are doing somthing wrong, maybe im going ott because im very very afraid of spiders lol but its the fact my son ate some before I noticed whoch is partly my fault as I fidnt check them straight away but we shouldnt need to inspect all yhe food we buy for foreign bodies x

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We eat a good amount of bugs in our lifetime through packaged foods and beverages. :lol: I remember in my bio class back in college the professor (who used to do a good amount of food inspection in his days for an unnamed but well-known juice company) saying that a certain degree of insects are permitted so long as they do not effect the aesthetic quality of the food.

But saying that, I certainly wouldn't accept finding cobwebs in my cookies. I would show those pictures to whoever the manufacturer of those biscuits are. That's just gross. If there's bugs in my food, fine, but I don't wanna see it!
I just think its wrong you buy food thinkin its safe to eat and especially for a 2 year old I would be happy if they just did an inspection of the factory they were made in I understand some thing are uncontrollable like someone said little insects getting into the smallest of places but one of my friends said the same thing happend to her from the same kind of biscuits so that gives me the impression they are doing somthing wrong, maybe im going ott because im very very afraid of spiders lol but its the fact my son ate some before I noticed whoch is partly my fault as I fidnt check them straight away but we shouldnt need to inspect all yhe food we buy for foreign bodies x

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Maybe they will - let us know what happens.
I once found a caterpillar type wormy thing in my frozen peas from a well known supermarket. I took it back to the store and got a refund and filled out a complaints form and received a gift voucher and apology in the post. I can't remember how much it was for.
I once found a caterpillar type wormy thing in my frozen peas from a well known supermarket. I took it back to the store and got a refund and filled out a complaints form and received a gift voucher and apology in the post. I can't remember how much it was for.

Cobwebs are bad enough if I found a worm id probably faint!! Ive looked on the bag for an email or number but there was just an address I dont want money not even bothered about a refund as they are only a quid a bag but seriously think they need an inspection or somthing ill write them a letter but no idea if they will get back to me x

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Just an update, enviromental health got back to me asking me for my address the shop I bought them and the manufacturers address, they said they will provide me with a customer id number and target date of when it should be looked into x

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Just an update, enviromental health got back to me asking me for my address the shop I bought them and the manufacturers address, they said they will provide me with a customer id number and target date of when it should be looked into x

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That's good, lets see what happens from there. Interesting.
Yrs ago I knew someone who found either a needle or pin in a nappy

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