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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Hi, i am new to CND l&p i passed the foundation course in April but am really struggling with having the confidence to feel happy with my work. i wont advertise because i dont want to take money untill i have people returning for a re blance with no problems eg, lifting. Did anyone else feel like this and how long did it take for you to feel confident x
I know exactly how you feel, everytime i do a set of nails i worry that the client will call me the next day to say they have all fallen off or something! The way i found my confidence was to start doing my own nails, i have done everything on myself that i offer my clients so i know they last and i am capable of rebalancing etc. This has really helped me, try it and hopefully it will help you too.
Also even if you are feeling a bit unsure just act like you know what you're doing, it seems that only us nail techs are actually that picky and most people don't notice tiny imperfections that we worry all night over! hthxx
I agree you probably notice what the client doesnt. Why dont you advertise that your training an do a special offer so no one will be annoyed if a nail maybe does come off because you have stated your only training youl prob be surprised by the amount of pple willing to pay for your services and help you through your traning. :) x
I have gone thru this and slowly comin out of it now... i had a few calls of a cpl ppl and it knocked my confidence hugely... so i did overlays on my 7 yr old daughter, and myself... funnily enough, theyve both lasted lovely... my daughter caught one of them after a wk, the nail bent so a tiny bit came loose nr cuticle and she picked it... the rest are still solidly on there 2 wks later... and i did glitter tipped for the 1st time on these too. I have just done her toe nails (i cant reach mine as heavily preg lol) and goin to see how they last. I have a few friends who i know will take the micky, and not be reliable, but i have the odd friend i know is 100% truthful and would do anything for me and so thee r the ppl i ask to test it for me and i advise wot they should do to care for them and ask them to help me... and they do, and give me an honest answer. I dont charge a bomb, but enough to cover my costs. I am still takin a long time hence why i cant charge higher prices, but in terms of my work the more sets i do for ppl i trust, and hear good things, the more my confidence grows... i would advise reading all the tutorials u can, watch videos on youtube etc and ask all the Q's u can - this has helped me hugely and i am now addicted to the world of nails :)
Confidence is acquired, built up over time as you see results and longevity in your work and happy CLIENTS. You will never be able to do this without the work and the clients.

My advice .. get out there and start charging and get the people through your hands .. and as many of them as possible. Or go and work for someone for a few months and get the practice you need.

Faint heart never won B-all as they say. The longer you delay the more frightened you will be to ever go for it.

Who ever starts any new job or skill as a totally confident person .. of course no one does. The thing is to get out there and to do it anyway.
Good luck Laura_gin...I start a CND foundation course in a week....and am already to get started what point do you think you are "good" enough to progress from guinea pics to real people....keep us posted!
Good luck Laura_gin...I start a CND foundation course in a week....and am already to get started what point do you think you are "good" enough to progress from guinea pics to real people....keep us posted!

I started the day after my course ended. :green: There will never be a point when you think you are good enough ... don't waste time just do it. As soon as you can say "I'd be happy to wear those nails" you're ready.
I started the day after my course ended. :green: There will never be a point when you think you are good enough ... don't waste time just do it. As soon as you can say "I'd be happy to wear those nails" you're ready.

Well said, this is the way forward, else your training has been a waste of time and money! Get out there and gain the experience you need and your confidence will grow! Good Luck!!
I've recently qualified and although a little nervous to start with I have done some of my family members for free, I then started charging a slightly discounted rate on others who I gained as clients through word of mouth and now I am happy with what I'm doing I'm about to start charging full price. I don't think there will ever be a day for me when I will look at nails and not be able to pick out any slight problems, however as others have said as nail techs it is what we're meant to do...people who aren't 'in the know' wont notice half of what you do.
Just relax ... more you do the happier you'll feel about it!
Thanks every one, im goin to do a refresher day with the lady who i did my course with so i can make sure im doin everything right still, then i think ill do what a few people said and advertise as newly qualified at a price just to cover my costs. Think its a good idea to do my own and see how they last, i have horses so if they can withstand that then they will cope with anything lol x

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