Crusade for proper regulations-stopping NSS salons


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Rach Dilks

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2012
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Hi geeks
I am looking into campaigning to get some regulations and codes of practice put it on place for the nail and beauty industry. Just wondered if any other geeks would support this campaign and have any idea where I could start. Eg writing to the PM, online petitions, informative blogs to help educate the public.
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I would absolutely back a campaign like this! I think educating the public could definitely get it going, some people really don't care as long as it's cheap but I think a lot are just oblivious and assume there would be proper regulations in place.
Even as a newly qualified technician with some knowledge of the poor standards you get within certain salons, I found myself incredibly shocked. In my last workplace, they were guessing curing times for shellac, buffing and not cleansing the nail plate etc. I was given no induction either despite being trained in completely different products.
It's completely unfair to the brands too as many people were complaining about shellac despite it being the superior product within the salon. I wonder if official backing from any manufacturers is possible?

Perhaps if a petition or blog is started, a computer savvy person can make a button for everyone involved to link it from their business page? I will brainstorm today and see if I can add anything to your ideas!
Brilliant idea!!! Maybe approach HABIA?

Be your own kind of beautiful

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Ooh this is great it might not STOP NSS salons but if we can educate the public enough etc they can make informed choices. A lot of clients who come to me who have previously been to NSS salons are not aware of the dangers of things such as poor sanitation of tools etc
There already are codes if practise in the industry, codes are voluntary to members although good practise to follow. The habia code for nail technicians is a good reference guide :) I do believe they are launching a register for nail professionals this autumn, October I think?
Maybe that will help, ultimately it's self regulating and corners are cut in all industry by less than professional people :-(
There already are codes if practise in the industry, codes are voluntary to members although good practise to follow. The habia code for nail technicians is a good reference guide :) I do believe they are launching a register for nail professionals this autumn, October I think?
Maybe that will help, ultimately it's self regulating and corners are cut in all industry by less than professional people :-(

Oh well let's make these a legal thing or some kind of rating (like the food hygiene stars)
Oh well let's make these a legal thing or some kind of rating (like the food hygiene stars)

Maybe licensing one day? The codes all link in to health and safety laws, but clearly prosecutions are not a good deterrent. Sign me up for anything that stops shoddy work!
Good luck with this one.
Plenty of us have tried for 30 years to get things legalised .. had MP's involved .. all sorts. so I will save you the pain .. it is not going to happen. There is much more important legislation to get into law apart form nail salon standards.

Next question .. what do you class as NSS?

Some of us prefer to tackle things in a different way rather than trying to close down peoples' businesses. And guess what .. it is working slowly but surely.

I can think of hundreds of cases of NSS ... people working badly without insurance .. with no education .. using knock-off products etc. THOSE are the NSS. The people in your own back yard.

Don't blame others for your woes ... blame those who sell pro products on ebay and blame diverters who sell into countries to which they have no entitlement and blame those that buy from these people.. Maybe even blame ourselves if we are buying cheap knock offs and passing them off to customers as genuine or selling on ebay and the like. THESE THINGS more than anything else are the things affecting our industry most. Not a few salons doing things badly, but thousands of the untrained with business pages on FB and dong crap work.
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Good luck with this one.
Plentyu of us have tried for 30 years to get done things legalised .. had MP's involved .. all sorts. so I will save you the pain .. it is not going to happen. There is much more important legislation to get into law apart form nail salon standards.

Nexr question .. what do you class as NSS?

Some of us prefer to tackle things in a different way rather than trying to close down peoples' businesses. And guess what .. it is working slowly but surely.

I can think of hundreds of cases of NSS ... people working badly without insurance .. with no education .. using knock-off products etc. THOSE are the NSS. The people i your own back yard.

Don't blame others for your woes ... blame those who sell pro products on ebay and blame diverters who sell into countries to which they have no entitlement. Maybe even blame ourselves if we are buying cheap knock offs and passing them off to customers as genuine or selling on ebay and the like. THESE THINGS more than anything else are the things affecting our industry most. Not a few salons doing things badly, but thousands of the untrained with business pages on FB and dong crap work.

Oh yes I agree with all of these things this is why I never buy from eBay and all of the above but still think the public need educating. Then they can decide for themselves. If they want to catch nasties then at least they have been bombarded with the hard facts.

And I do not wish to close down anyone's businesses. I am wanting to stop things like people getting away with not sterilising and sanitising tools and equipment used in services that it is possible to cut a client then cut another using the same unsterile tools and equipment. Things like ear piecing etc and anything that uses needles needs a form of licence from the local authority. We are still potentially in contact with blood etc so still a risk if not inspected. Like food premises with the food hygiene rating
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The public recognise a good nail tehnician when they come across one ... and the ones that dont mind being hurt and could care less about standards get what they pay for and they don't care.

My advise is to put your energy into your business not some 'cause' that no one will take any notice of. Educate your own clients .. if we all do that then it starts to work.
My clients are already educated that WHY they come to me 😃 however putting the public who don't realise the dangers and damaging clients nails (ie "I will never have acrylic again it has ruined my nails" when in actual fact it is the poorly trained/poor practice of a nail nail tech and the horrific products they use is what causes the damage.) Arming them with the facts to make informed choices rather than just going somewhere that is going to put them in potential danger. Most of the time the public don't realise that there are reasons why the good ones do not offer "cheap nails" or don't ever think about nail infections and the like or how they could be spread.
I can see why the more experienced of the industry may find it naive and futile after so many years trying but at the same time, I think it's only a positive thing that with every new crop of professionals there is a willingness to try again (even if it might be a pointless thing too).

Couple of things I'm intrigued by: if the public are aware but some simply don't care(which I am very aware is the case for a lot), what about the popularity of 'little princess' treatments for young girls now? Even people that don't care much about themselves usually feel entirely different about their children.

Also, how do the manufacturers feel about this issue? it must be so frustrating to know people are put off their products by people unwilling to follow the manufacturer's guidelines. It certainly frustrated me!
Until recently I was completely unaware of these things I have had my nails ruined many time and not even by really cheap salons. I have had shellac a few times but never heard of solar oil until I found this site. (shellac is not popular in my area). There is a salon me and my friends avoid after they cut a few of us. I won't go back because the service was bad but for some reason I just trusted that you can't open a salon without being regulated. Now I know better, I think it is something the public are not aware of.
Thank you for your comments ladies. I appreciate them and if anyone has any helpful criticism I will take it on board. I think that educating people the CORRECT way and also what to avoid in a dodgy salon is very important and yes some will ignore it but hopefully others won't. Also it is not always CHEAP salons that behave this way
It would be good just to even bring in a sort or STAR rating like food hygiene/hotels etc
It would be good just to even bring in a sort or STAR rating like food hygiene/hotels etc

There already is an excellent rating system already in place. PHAB. Many geeks are already gold standard. :biggrin:

But as usual, many do not want to pay and many do not want to take a test, many people do not want to reach out or do anything at all ... Apathy is and always has been the thing in our industry that ruins all the initiatives that the zealous ones initiate. Sorry if I sound a tad jaded ... That is because after 30 years, I am.
There already is an excellent rating system already in place. PHAB. Many geeks are already gold standard. :biggrin:

But as usual, many do not want to pay and many do not want to take a test, many people do not want to reach out or do anything at all ... Apathy is and always has been the thing in our industry that ruins all the initiatives that the zealous ones initiate. Sorry if I sound a tad jaded ... That is because after 30 years, I am.

Aah this is very interesting as I wasn't aware of this. I will be looking into it and am more than willing to pay. I love what I do and don't just do it as a job, but it's my passion and believe that if things are not done properly then there is no point in doing it 😃
Perhaps if everyone had to be registered then it may stop all those people working from home with no insurance no or hardly the right qualifications etc, not that is anything wrong with working from home, just as geek says there is to many people doing a short corse having a Facebook page, not following any procedures etc.

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Perhaps if everyone had to be registered then it may stop all those people working from home with no insurance no or hardly the right qualifications etc, not that is anything wrong with working from home, just as geek says there is to many people doing a short corse having a Facebook page, not following any procedures etc.

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There already is an excellent rating system already in place. PHAB. Many geeks are already gold standard. :biggrin:

But as usual, many do not want to pay and many do not want to take a test, many people do not want to reach out or do anything at all ... Apathy is and always has been the thing in our industry that ruins all the initiatives that the zealous ones initiate. Sorry if I sound a tad jaded ... That is because after 30 years, I am.

I may have to get in touch with them as it says that you need salon managers approval but I am the owner of my salon so not sure how this works for me. Another job for Monday morning I think 😃

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