Do you make it up to your clients if you cancel due to illness?


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Of course both your health and your clients is more important than a treatment.

How ridiculous.

I can't understand why anyone would want to go to any treatment being performed by someone with a severe chest infection if it meant they were being coughed and spluttered all over which is what some chest infections (most of actually) cause you to do. Hardly the relaxing experience you were hoping for!

A lot of chest infections can actually result in hospitalisation, I'd say that warrants a cancellation. Or you could carry on, make yourself very ill and have a copious amount of time off losing much more business.

I'm bowing out of this thread before there are any more replies like yours, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, there is a way to put it across, however.

This is a very overly defensive attitude to justifying your sick days! If you think your chest infection is likely to end up with an admission to hospital its your business cancelling. Just because I choose to work and never cancel unless I drop unconscious that should also be respected too.
I think that this is getting very personal. There have been a lot of threads going this way of late and it has resulted in accusations of bullying and banned members :-(
Can we all just agree to disagree before admin have to step in and we all end up looking like a bunch of children being sent to the naughty step. Again.

Besides OP has her answer, the client has re booked. No harm done xxx

It is not professional to be carry out close personal treatments if you are suffering from a contagious condition.

Everyone has their own tolerance levels for pain and illness and no-once is the other persons shoes, so can not judge.

My dad is my role model and never has any time off. But I do not follow his work through anything motto. He works through everything. He was told to take a few days off, and then no heavy lifting for 2 weeks after receiving 2 cortisone injections for tennis elbow. He was in excruciating pain but continued to work from the moment he left the Dr's. so 9 months later is his tennis elbow any better? Nope, it's not. They won't offer him any more injections. He may eventually have to have an operations which will force him to have time off. If only he had rested when advised maybe he wouldn't still be suffering.

I work hard, I push myself to my limits but if I'm ill, I'm ill. I take the minimum amount of time off as necessary. I don't have any clients though as I manage my salon, but I do the odd treatment but I have never canceled (but only do a couple of treatments a week). My salon can survive if I'm not there, I can manage remotely for a short length of time.

I wouldn't make it up with a discount, maybe add a little extra x
There just seem to be a few members on here that always manage to ruffle some feathers, go in furiously and offend people needlessly, especially those new to the site.

I have been fortunate enough not to have been so ill to have needed to take a single day off, so not defensive just frustrated at the nature of some posts.

All opinions are valid and I appreciate what you are saying Eternal Scott, just perhaps not the way you say it.

As has been said the OP has her answer and is now, fortunately, able to work again.

I do hate it posts go this way.
Right lets get real here. We're all mortal, we all get ill a couple times a year, when self employed we need to make sure when we set our prices, organise our time etc we allow for our time off for holidays and the fact we may need a couple days off sick occasionally. Plus I'm not going to get into personal stuff on here but there are some people who can't do long hours etc because their health is not great generally. Does that make you less of a person or a rubbish nail tech, no it doesn't. Xxxxx
Well, Im glad you cut yourself some slack and took the time to recover!
I have had about 5 sick days in the last 7 years..... HOWEVER, I have come in feeling like utter crap and I know full well the work I created was under par.
These days, Im less hard on myself. OK so I rarely get sick enough to warrant a day off work, but we are all human for crying out loud. Clients cancell us due to illness, why should you discount if it were the other way?

Ive sent staff home who have come in sick because their work was not up to scratch. A client would rather 100% from you, wether it be on the day arranged or not.
xx Jo

Nice to see you around again Jo. :)

I've also sent people home (in my other job). I would rather a full strength team and reduce the risk of infecting others and the whole thing goes on for longer than it has to. There are some people who just think about their sickness record and have actually boasted about it, rather than what's best for everybody else, which to be honest, I find a little selfish of them.
So the consenses is:

People that avoid taking sick days and come in are selfish.

We ALL get ill a couple of times a year (I don't?), unless you wish to add indigestion or stuffy nose to the list of illnesses which require bedrest.

Im glad you would rather employ and have therapists that would cancel for cough, colds, chest infections and so on. In my 15 years self employed I have never felt it necessary to let down clients and cancel, (with the exception of my Mother being found suddenly dead).

Incidentally alway wear a facemask if I have any ailments.

No one is stopping you cancelling your clients Im not the one slinging mud calling people selfish. I was merely questioning if it was entirely necessary to cancel (and put clients out) on a whim because you have a chesty cough. Your clearly feel this is entirely justified, let it be left at that.
So the consenses is:

People that avoid taking sick days and come in are selfish.

We ALL get ill a couple of times a year (I don't?), unless you wish to add indigestion or stuffy nose to the list of illnesses which require bedrest.

Im glad you would rather employ and have therapists that would cancel for cough, colds, chest infections and so on. In my 15 years self employed I have never felt it necessary to let down clients and cancel, (with the exception of my Mother being found suddenly dead).

Incidentally alway wear a facemask if I have any ailments.

No one is stopping you cancelling your clients Im not the one slinging mud calling people selfish. I was merely questioning if it was entirely necessary to cancel (and put clients out) on a whim because you have a chesty cough. Your clearly feel this is entirely justified, let it be left at that.

What would you do if you had a sickness big? Or a virus that meant you were so ill you found it extremely difficult to move/get out of bed?
So the consenses is:

People that avoid taking sick days and come in are selfish.

We ALL get ill a couple of times a year (I don't?), unless you wish to add indigestion or stuffy nose to the list of illnesses which require bedrest.

Im glad you would rather employ and have therapists that would cancel for cough, colds, chest infections and so on. In my 15 years self employed I have never felt it necessary to let down clients and cancel, (with the exception of my Mother being found suddenly dead).

Incidentally alway wear a facemask if I have any ailments.

No one is stopping you cancelling your clients Im not the one slinging mud calling people selfish. I was merely questioning if it was entirely necessary to cancel (and put clients out) on a whim because you have a chesty cough. Your clearly feel this is entirely justified, let it be left at that.

You say you are never sick enough to justify time off! You are very lucky indeed but remember none of us know what is around the corner!!!
So the consenses is:

People that avoid taking sick days and come in are selfish.

We ALL get ill a couple of times a year (I don't?), unless you wish to add indigestion or stuffy nose to the list of illnesses which require bedrest.

Im glad you would rather employ and have therapists that would cancel for cough, colds, chest infections and so on. In my 15 years self employed I have never felt it necessary to let down clients and cancel, (with the exception of my Mother being found suddenly dead).

Incidentally alway wear a facemask if I have any ailments.

No one is stopping you cancelling your clients Im not the one slinging mud calling people selfish. I was merely questioning if it was entirely necessary to cancel (and put clients out) on a whim because you have a chesty cough. Your clearly feel this is entirely justified, let it be left at that.

I have tried not to get involved in this thread however........

I am pretty taken aback and offended by your extreme views on this especially as I’m on sick leave myself with a chest infection (the doctor is currently treating me for the pneumonia strain) and I can tell you that I not only have a reasonability not to infect my clients I also have a responsibility to myself and my family to put my health first.

There have being times while having this chest infection were i can honestly say I have felt like I was drowning alive due amount of fliud and infection on my lungs and constant stuggling for mother thought at one point i was dying:eek:

By going in to work with a chest infection you run this of not only damaging your own health, but that off other people to. All you need is a client that is old, or with a weak immune system (due to illness or aids etc) to catch your germs and they could either by seriously ill or die!

As to wearing face mask may I point out that they are only effective for up to 20 mins max, if used for any longer you will be constantly be breathing in your own germs (thus running the risk of being ill longer) and it no longer acts as barrier so clients will be subject to your germs too.

in my 'day job' i work in nursing so maybe i'm more aware about cross infection and how things like chest infections can be passed on and the harm it can cause to certain groups of people.
Maybe we need to agree to disagree
You say you are never sick enough to justify time off! You are very lucky indeed but remember none of us know what is around the corner!!!

Father suddenly dying 6 days off
Birth and C section 6 days off
Mother suddenly dying 10 day off (due to delay in post mortum funeral)
another surgery with general anaesthetic 3 days off
laser eye treatment 12 hours off (i couldnt see)
tonsilitis zero time (everyone kept telling me I would be not working if it was tonsilitis so I eventually went to the doctor and he said it was the worst he had seen)
flu zero time
chest infection zero time
Car crash straight back to work
Enduced back to work until I was admitted

Well just disagree, as for the surgery you need six weeks off malarky when I told my midwife I was too busy for these visits she did say six weeks is for the weak and elderly not perfectly healthy people.

Incidentally I have many salon owner friends hairdressing and beauty and we are all the same back at work immediately after giving birth. It can be done but it is choice, not essential. I remember before having a baby people made out it was impossible to work or to work way past your due date and that is simply untrue, let face it the workhouse was full of just given birth mothers.

It is my choice to work and if I am still working at 100 with various aliments it is my business.
In response to the Politician comment...people in such high positions with loads of money are more than likely being provided with the healthiest meals etc going! I bet their health is monitored daily meaning any sign of a sniffle and they'd get the best treatment and care money can buy! So silly to compare 'us' to 'them' ;)

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I was going to say something but I don't want to turn it in to a "thing"..

Please let's close this before it does
In response to the Politician comment...people in such high positions with loads of money are more than likely being provided with the healthiest meals etc going! I bet their health is monitored daily meaning any sign of a sniffle and they'd get the best treatment and care money can buy! So silly to compare 'us' to 'them' ;)

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Thats not true over the years I have had many MP neighbours Conservative and famous Socialists ones. I don't see my self as any different I have been in their houses drank with them in the pub and even had writes up from them in magazines. They don't have loads of money the Prime Minister only get about £200K a year and your average MP £65K which is not huge amounts, compared to many business people, lawyers or dentists average £100K a year or GPs £100K a year, actuaries are the highest paid professionals.. I know alot people in the beauty industry earning more than your average MP.
This thread has gone off-topic now, so I'll close.
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