Eyelash Extensions Popular????


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Sep 15, 2005
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Hi everyone..... just after some advice please. Have many of you therapists trained and added Eyelash Extensions onto your treatments? And if so how popular is it? I've heard of some people training but not actually doing it as they arent confident enough, or another therapist that i know who does it said 'Dont do it they ruin your own lashes' I really really want to do it and offer it as a treatment but im worried it wont be that popular or that it will ruin natural lashes and people will moan?! Do you find its a regular or more of a 'special occasion' kind of treatment? Any advice would be great.

Thanks so much xxxx
Hi Keely
when lashes first came out years ago everyone thought it might just be a "special occasion" treatment, ie when you get married or out for a special night, xmas do etc but i must admit I am surprised at the feedback lashes are getting and to be honest once you had them on you will always come back to get them done again.
so i would definitely class this as a very popular treatment, the prices vary from area to area but as the cost per treatment is only about 5% it offers a really good margin and is definitely worth looking into.

You mentioned that some therapists start but dont have the confidence to offer this as a treatment.....i think this might be down to the standard of training and the ambition of the therapist herself and how much she is willing to put in. Bit like nails..some people pick it up in no time and some therapists have to do a few sets more to gain the confidence to do it but i would definitely have a look out for accredited training in as small groups as possible..preferably 1-2-1 or up to 4 people so you get the maximum time with the trainer and he/she can see what you are doing and suggest / correct and advise as much as possible.

With regards to the lash extensions damaging the natural lashes, that simply does not apply if the extensions are applied correctly and maintained how they should be...For semi permanent lash extensions you apply one extension to one natural lash, this way the weight of the extension is still balanced to the natural lash.
the natural lash can be damaged if the extensions arent applied properly or if you use cluster lashes and the client doesnt remove them in time but continues to leave them on or starts picking at the lashes whether they are cluster or single extensions.
But if you look after the lashes and the client comes back in for regular infills there is no reason why the lashes shouldnt remain absolutely strong and healthy.
I totally agree with wowbb. I started lashes in Feb this year and the business has just grown and grown the more experience I've got. I'm now at a stage where I get lots of referrals from people I've treated and lashes is the main thing I do now. Good luck xx
Hi girls - glad your lashing business is going well!

I'm definitely interested in offering this treatment in the future (won't be doing any more training until 2011 now though!). My question is, did you find it hard to get clients in the first place? It seems that it's a buzzing trend in some areas and not in others. I have close friends and acquaintances ranging in age from 20 to 35 and only know two people who've had it done - one for a special occasion and the other has it done quite often.

I know a trainer who also has a salon and she said that when she had them done she got loads of comments from clients which led to business, so I guess word of mouth is the key! x
Hi girls - glad your lashing business is going well!

I'm definitely interested in offering this treatment in the future (won't be doing any more training until 2011 now though!). My question is, did you find it hard to get clients in the first place? It seems that it's a buzzing trend in some areas and not in others. I have close friends and acquaintances ranging in age from 20 to 35 and only know two people who've had it done - one for a special occasion and the other has it done quite often.

I know a trainer who also has a salon and she said that when she had them done she got loads of comments from clients which led to business, so I guess word of mouth is the key! x

Hi Moomin.... when I first trained I did 10 people for £10 each, mainly friends and family but this got me some bookings from their workplace etc. I also researched prices in the area and even went and had some applied at a salon who charged a reasonable price so I could get a really good idea of what clients should get for their money. I truly believe that if you get your price right, people will come to you initially, then you will start to build up based on word of mouth. After I'd done the 10 initially, I went straight to the full price I wanted to charge. I also asked the local paper to do a piece on me as this was a new service to that particular salon and that got me looooads of business.... and really, I've never looked back :) If and when you do start, good luck and if I can help in any way, let me know xx
Thanks for your advice guys.....thats great....and good idea Ldrake about the 10 for £10.... its a great way to practice and advertise I guess. Can I ask what products you all use please? It seems most of the training places I have enquired with use Marvel Lash .... is this any good or should I be looking at something different? Also once you have gained confidence how long does a full set take roughly please?

I sat opposite a girl at Dermalogica training the other day and she had just had them done and I couldnt stop staring at them...they looked fab! Cant wait to get going with it now....just got to convince my husband to let me doing even more training, ha ha!

Hi Keely,

I trained with the Eyelash Emporium, at pinewood studios. The training was absolutely fab and i only qualified in august and am quite busy with them already!

This is something i had been waiting to do for ages! I does take lots of patience and practice, but if you want to do it go for it! I would have a look at the eyelash emporiums website here Eyelash's as their training and products are amazing value and quality and they aren't that far away from you.

Good luck hope that helps :hug:

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