Favourite childhood toys and games-what were yours?


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Now that it's coming up to Christmas I was just thinking about favourite childhood toys. I was very girlie and loved all dolls from Tiny Tears to Barbie. I also loved little sewing sets with felt so that I could make things. Another thing was my little tea set. I always wanted a doll's house but never got one! :sad: There were 5 kids in our family, so a lot of pressies for Mum to get. My favourite games were Cleudo and Monopoly. I'm sure there were loads more but that will do for now. What were yours?
Now that it's coming up to Christmas I was just thinking about favourite childhood toys. I was very girlie and loved all dolls from Tiny Tears to Barbie. I also loved little sewing sets with felt so that I could make things. Another thing was my little tea set. I always wanted a doll's house but never got one! :sad: There were 5 kids in our family, so a lot of pressies for Mum to get. My favourite games were Cleudo and Monopoly. I'm sure there were loads more but that will do for now. What were yours?

Your posts are always so fab!

I loved my little pony, etch a sketch, fuzzy felts, and sylvanian families.
Your posts are always so fab!

I loved my little pony, etch a sketch, fuzzy felts, and sylvanian families.

Aw, forgot about Etch A Sketch!!! Loved that. Thank you for the lovely compliment Meira xx
Lego, I had loads, robin hood, city, space walkers, they all played together! Lego used to do a brilliant pink world it had a cafe, beach, pony club, some other bits I got all the main sets one christmas. Heaven!

They stopped making it for years I think but have introduced a new pink world thats not as good, the pieces are more duplo very odd and not right! Im quite sad about it really lol

& Fuzzy felts, again the modern boxes arent as I remember them, they used to have printed felt pieces very intricate but its all preschool shapes now.

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I always wanted a Tiny Tears but never got one. I remember hanging over the fence watching the girl next door playing with hers. I hated her :)
Spirograph was my favourite though
Tonicj. ..your posts, albeit wonderful are encouraging to my thought process and silly remarks. ..ha ha x

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Tonicj. ..your posts, albeit wonderful are encouraging to my thought process and silly remarks. ..ha ha x

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Ha Ha Ha! I thought, surely I can't get into trouble with this post:D:D
Furby, my little pony, Betty spaghetti... And obviously climbing ridiculously massive trees.

I always wanted a rocking horse but never got one. A girl up the road had one (b*tch) so I made friends with her so I could ride her rocking horse - lol!
Care bears xx :) lol
I have a huge collection some old from when i was a kid that are played with
And most are new ( well 6 years old)
But all boxed and tagged and never played with lol
I have the care bears and there extended family x i.e care bear cousins etc x
Lol sad i know but i loved them x
I loved Sindy - Barbie was a skinny bitch!

Sindy lived in a beautiful apartment made from a Clark's shoe box and had an on-off relationship with action man. She wore a knitted bikini (thanks Nan) and had a badly cut fringe (I always ruined my dolls hair!).

I miss Sindy....
Girls world.JPGI loved my Girls World. She probably ended up looking like Barbara Cartland when I'd finished with her. I'm glad my make up skills have improved since then!
All my dolls had to have long hair so I could cut it. Can any of you remember the doll that's hair could grow??
Candy Land...I still love it! :)
Playmobil... Loved playing families with it in my doll house when I was about 8/9. I also liked anything with horses! 🐴🐎.

Fav games - monopoly, kerplunk, twister lol
Spirograph was my favourite though

MissyMuffin I'm so glad you said this, my partner and I were talking about toys the other day and when I asked him if he had a Spirograph he just looked at me blankly so I explained it to him and he said I was making it up lol!

I loved my baby dolls, wouldn't go anywhere without one, I even remember rocking it in the back of the car whenever we went anywhere and hoping the people in the other cars would think it was real!
Gemster - I had a big set of Spirograph, produced reams of creations :)

Also had one called Plasticraft, you could set little flowers etc in plastic. You could make key rings etc. Anyone remember that?
All my dolls had to have long hair so I could cut it. Can any of you remember the doll that's hair could grow??

Pressed a button on her back and a pony tail grew!
Almost forgot about my doll's pram! Took it everywhere. Used to love wearing mum's heels when I was out with my little pram.
I had a girls world whose ponytail grew and then you could wind it back in.
Loved barbie and sindy but ended up cutting all the sindy's hair so they could be the boys! I too had knitted dresses for them by my nan.
Care Bears, my little ponies, cabbage patch kids and the Getalong Gang. Anyone remember them?
The most annoying game had to be mousetrap.It would take ages to set up hardly ever worked properly and kept falling to bits as you played it.Everyone used to get really frustrated with it especially if you were playing with someone heavy handed who kept knocking the trap over the mouse :)

When I was in Spain a few weeks ago we were turning the tv over and came across a German channel where people were sitting at a table playing pick up sticks very seriously.I quite used to like that game but it hardly makes for riveting TV.

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