Gel nails for nail biter


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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2004
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Edderton(Tain), UK
On Wendsday I have client that wants full set of gel nails but she is terrible nail biter. Never had biter before.....
How to apply tips and how to prepare nail plate for nail byter?

First make sure that your prep is spot on and that all cuticle growing on nail plate is removed(always a problem with biters)
Then pre tailor tip and apply gel bond both to well of nail tip and edge of the free edge. Once the tip is applied youcan continue as normal.
Also it is sometimes advisable to saddle out the sides of the tip to ensure a snug fit.
Her free edge is wery low... And a lot of skin above free edge... Is it ok if glue will be on this skin? ....
Remove all non living tissue, so a thorough manicure followed by a thorough prep................
  1. Size your tip so it matches the clients natural c-curve at the bitten edge.
  2. Hold the tip in place and check for pressure mark on the sidewalls, the bulbous skin here can be a problem and if the tip is not saddled, can give the tip a ski jump look and even pop of the nail after application................
  3. Saddle the tip, this means carving out a little space at the pressure points, I use small curve scissors, keeping a check on how much I take away from the sides.
  4. The tip should fit like the piece of a jigsaw......
  5. Reduce the contact area of your tip by at least 1/3 ..........
  6. De-bulk the tip, reducing the thickness slightly
  7. Fit the stop point of the tip snugly against the bitten edge and use Gelbond to adhere, checking that the tip is following an nice natural curve and not a ski jump effect................
  8. Cut (prob much shorter then the client would like) , blend and thin the tip and proceed with your overlay...............
  9. Make sure the overlay is nice and flush and there are no bits sticking out or to pick at...........
  10. Biters who cant get at their nails, tend to turn into pickers............
Clients with severe bitten nails will need a maintenance much more quickly then non biters as their nails tend to grow much faster.....So I have my little canibals come to see me after a week to make sure all is well.....
Thanks Master....
Will wait till Wendsday.... Hope will do it succesfully...
Kind regards.
Lena said:
Thanks Master....
Will wait till Wendsday.... Hope will do it succesfully...
Kind regards.
You will be fine babe, I have added a little piccie so you can see how the saddling looks like, because it is easy to do but hard to visualise...........


  • bitten nail pics geek.jpg
    bitten nail pics geek.jpg
    39.4 KB · Views: 6,505
Thanks very much for pics... Helps a lot!
Is picture 'C' showing a heavy layer of gel to compensate for the small nail or is it an additional tip?

Picture C is the finished nail, it shows you how all of it looks if you where to take a slice from the side......and how steps a, b and c get a well constructed nice looking nail on a biter.................
The dark grey in the pic is the applied tip and the light grey is the added overlay......................
Thanks Ruth.
Love your website!
Wish me luck.
Nailsinlondon1 said:
You will be fine babe, I have added a little piccie so you can see how the saddling looks like, because it is easy to do but hard to visualise...........
Ruth what a brill piccie i have never been told to do that for n/biters but will be having a good practise with the scissors ready for my next n/b
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