My sister is coming on Monday to have her nails done, she asked me wks ago for a mate black.
After seeing some of the Knoad ive been doing she would like some added to her nails. she decided on the lace design over the tips with silver barry M polish, what i dont know is what's going to be the best way to compleat the nails as normally i would do a 2nd TIO after any nails art but if i do that the black wont be matte any longer.
Any tips on what would be best?
After seeing some of the Knoad ive been doing she would like some added to her nails. she decided on the lace design over the tips with silver barry M polish, what i dont know is what's going to be the best way to compleat the nails as normally i would do a 2nd TIO after any nails art but if i do that the black wont be matte any longer.
Any tips on what would be best?