Gin or vodka?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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I love both of these but have noticed something odd. A night on vodka and I look fresh the next day. A night on gin and I look haggered for three days.... Thoughts??
Vodka and fresh orange!
vodka all the way. Gin makes me ill at the thought of even drinking it!
neither! i would be dying on both!
Neither ... I'm tee-total!
Vanilla vodka for me. Love it with chocolate milk!

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Vodka. I throw up about a hour after gin but 4 or 5 after vodka.
Taboo, Malibu, larger and cider are my tipple of choice coxo
Both. Any alcohol really I'm not fussy.
I do like either but with lemon and lime.

At the minute though its the summer fruit kopperburg
Gin makes me cry!
I don't drink alcohol at all. It's all poison!!
Neither, unless the small amount of vodka in a blue WKD counts? ;) i really like Southern comfort lime and lemonade at the moment xx
Vodka hate any other alcoholic drink x
Bacardi doesn't knock a flinch out of me.

Vodka gives me a hangover and I have never had gin, doesn't appeal to me.
Vodka lemonade and lime x
I love both but it really depends on my mood ;-)
They don't call gin mothers ruin for nothing......
Vodka all the way! Altho I do like Bacardi with lime & lemonade, but my fav is Disaronno (if that's how u spell it lol) with coke! Mmmm it's so sweet!

Also love Jäger, either as a bomb or as a drink mmmmm
Love both!! But my fave is southern comfort and lemonade!
Gin, with tonic and a slice of lemon. Only in summer though. Wine throughout winter.
Large glass of cold crisp white wine xx:

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