Hair Extensions - Micro Loop or Glue?


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Jun 21, 2010
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Hiya im getting hair extensions next week but I dont know if i should get the micro loop or glue?

im going for a consultation with the girl on friday and I asked her what she thinks are better and she said the glue because they last longer (she said frm 2-6 months) and the are easier to keep.

She said the micro loop ones only last a few months and sometimes fall out.

what should i go for???? I want them to look amazing but not ruin my hair and they need to last long as i dont have alot of cash

also.... how would i remove them (both micro loop and glue?)

I have long brown hair but i want it thickened and a bit more length.

HELP girls!

Hi , ill try and answer point by point for you,
I am experienced in the pre bonded methods and the micro links but have not used the micro loops so cannot personally advise on those but have read some people on here have had issues with slipping,
The prebonded and fusion methods if installed correctly by a qualified hairdresser with the good quality poducts will not damge your hair if you follow the recommended aftercare.before with fine hair. I am happy to explain and go into more detail if you would like me to.

Your Extension technition should ALWAYS remove your extensions. This is as vital as the install and where alot of damage can happen if not removed correctly.

You do get what you pay for generally with extensions and wondering if you are looking to go for a lower budget and your hair is already long have you thought of clip ins?

Make sure you are happy with the consultation, the technition is fully qualified and insured and you see plenty of the previous work . you can always have a couple installed top try out before hand if you are unsure.

Hope that helps x
Hey, I do micro loops, and pre bonded (glue), The loops, and pre bonded can both slip, if not using the correct after care regime, shampoo, ect...

I say it's down to personal preference, althought the process of the micro loops, is quicker, But they do tend to slip alot more then the glue.

I say go for your consultation, see what your technician sugest is best for your hair circumstances, and go with what you feel is best.

Always keep you maintenance up, or this is where you can come in to problems. x

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