Head lice


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
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Hi I've popped over from beauty just after some advice, with two daughters I'm fighting a loosing battle with headlice! I'm currently using tea tree conditioner on their hair then combing through with nitty gritty comb. Am I better purchasing a solution from chemist if so which one? Heard so many reviews I'd rather get an opinion from the professionals??
Hi I've popped over from beauty just after some advice, with two daughters I'm fighting a loosing battle with headlice! I'm currently using tea tree conditioner on their hair then combing through with nitty gritty comb. Am I better purchasing a solution from chemist if so which one? Heard so many reviews I'd rather get an opinion from the professionals??

Personally I havent had to deal with headlice, hope someone else can help! X
Headrin is good, My niece kept getting them and we did that once she slept in it over night combed her hair the next day and they all came out ! not very nice but Since then they haven't come back she was getting it a lot !

It's expensive but worth the endless de nitting !

Remember they love clean hair so if you have just washed your daughter's hair tie it up and plait it !

P.s once you do this make sure you change their bed covers and wash their coats/jackets the nitts like warm places so the back of your daughters neck is were they like it and if you have any eggs on their collars from their coats you'll have to start all over again ! Yes they are a nightmare, good luck

The nit is the egg, the louse is the critter.

Eggs can't fall on to anything touching or surrounding the head, they are glued to the hair shaft very close to the scalp.. They do this for warmth.
They can't grow, hatch or survive without the needed warmth so eggs will not be laid in fur collars, fabrics or ends of hair.
Dead nits/old eggs are grey not brown.
The louse can only climb upwards, they are unable to go down... When an infested person lays down they can climb across.
They can when heavily infested fall from the head onto surrounding clothes, furniture, furnishings, hairbrushes etc
They will grip on and transfer to anything touching and begin that climb upwards searching for food and warmth to lay their eggs.
Research food grade diatomaceous earth. MUST be food grade. Helps with lice in the home. Fleas as well. You can take a small amount actually through the scalp. Make sure shake out of hair. Do your own research on it, but it's great.

Food grade diatomaceous earth high in silica. When fleas and lice touch and move through this powder, it basically cuts them up.

MUST be food grade and not non-food grade you would clean your pool with.

(I actually put a tablespoon in my juice each day and helps strengthen my hair and teeth. The high amounts of silica in it. Food grade mind you. I love it.)
I'd sugest treating with hedrin and them comb every day with the nitty gritty comb until a follow up hedrin treatment a week later , head lice have to be around 7 days to lay more eggs so daily coming will get the little blighters before the cycle starts again the second treatment it's just to be sure ! Hedrin once seems good it drys quick and can be washed out after 15 mins says only one treatment is needed but I'd always do another a week later just to make sure :) it does seem like you will never be rid of them but you will x
Research food grade diatomaceous earth. MUST be food grade. Helps with lice in the home. Fleas as well. You can take a small amount actually through the scalp. Make sure shake out of hair. Do your own research on it, but it's great.

Food grade diatomaceous earth high in silica. When fleas and lice touch and move through this powder, it basically cuts them up.

MUST be food grade and not non-food grade you would clean your pool with.

(I actually put a tablespoon in my juice each day and helps strengthen my hair and teeth. The high amounts of silica in it. Food grade mind you. I love it.)

That is really interesting, I'm off to Google it. :)
My daughter use to always get them and it was one girl at school who's mum was not dealing with it!!
I used the full marks mouse once only as putting chemicals on all the time is not good.
Then I had a set of combs off the doctor three different sizes and would do this every time I washed her hair, (she had hair to her bum) so nightmare doing it!
I would French plaite her hair as tight as I could and spray with hairspray as harder to cling on for the nits.
It's hard when they are young I had to tell my daughter to try and not cuddle her friends.
Lavander works fantastic. I put it in every bath. The only time my daughter caught nits was when I ran out. Lavander oil, soap, bubble bath the crawlers hate it xx

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Thank you so much everyone.x
Thank you so much everyone.x

Hopefully you will have some tips and ideas now.
It's a nightmare I no but you will get rid, just try and do the tips to avoid.
I think some people are more prone then others as touch wood I've never had them but my poor daughter has god knows how many times!
Good luck xx
I used hedrin on my son, I thought it was crap! He was still itching 2 days later & he still had them. They are horrible things.
Every other day condition their hair & go over with the nit comb. Eventually you'll get all the lice out, as soon as the eggs hatch they will be combed straight out to prevent further laying it saves a fortune, no need for chemicals either.
Good luck, you'll have this now till they get to high school unfortunately x

HairBy Amanda
It's such a pain! And they are never allowed to wear hair down either plaited or in a bun! Think of me tonight de nitting!xx
My daughter had headlice when she was 5 months old. Her hair was really fine and the nit combs were just too wide so I ended up scraping every single egg and louse out with my nails and dropping them into a bowl of dettol. It was truly astounding how many there were, there must have been a thousand. It took hours to do but they never came back!

Worms on the other hand... :(
The stuff from the chemist got rid of mine when I was younger...now my heads itchy thinking about it lol x
Definitely keep long hair tied up - I think most schools insist on this now anyway.

The combing is time consuming but works.

Make sure you wash any towels used on the kids during treatment in a really hot wash or look at using single use / disposable towels.

Hope this helps...

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A friend of mines daughter got head lice and nothing from the chemist worked for her because get hair was so thick. A health nurse told her to use mayonnaise she did it once and never looked back they had gone. So maybe give that ago.
I comb through both my girls hair with the nit comb every single night, just a quick once over. This removes or damages any live lice before they have chance to lay eggs. This was suggested on a leaflet my youngest brought home from school last year & so far has worked & we've had no outbreaks since. I also apply a blend of tea tree & lemon essential oils which I've put in a spray bottle & use as a detangler daily! When they did/do get an outbreak I find the only sure way of getting rid is to damnen hair, apply conditioner, go through very thoroughly with nit comb & repeating every other day for a week. Time consuming & really yukky but works!

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