Hi all please can someone help i have been using options for 5 mths now and most of my clients get easy 3 weeks wear without any problems most want soak off as used to do bio... and this client wants soak off but always lifts from free edge shall i try affixit on edge and hope it makes gel stick or is this client just a picker or i just dont know!!!!! help my prep is good:green: and my own stay on for at least 3 weeks and only change out as my nails are my shop front as mobile and want to show case and am working with them on and doing soak offs so if any one has a trick let me know thanks and wait for your valuable advise have also heard u can use options pink or clear to use as bonder but should this replace base n gloss as dont want to mess up this already diff customer :cry: thanks and happy easter bring on the chocco