Help - ski slope nails!


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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Im in training, and my mum has quite thin I put silk on them to try and strengthen them up.

She didnt like them, so I took them off.

Now - her little finger nails are growing up at the end. Is this because they are so thin? She has really bad cirulation too, I was thinking not enough blood is getting to the nail plate to make them strong/grow.

What can I do to help her? Very thin layer of gel? A lot of them are splitting down the middle too. They have alwyas been a bit tempermental, so i know it wasnt my fault by putting silk on.
your fingernails can show other conditions through your body if you have noticed a clear change in the way that her nails are growing it would be worth her having a check up parret beaked nails (bending over the free edge insted of up like ski slope) can indicate lung problems ... so like I said nails can be used as a gide if your worried or have seen a change get it checked by a doctor :)
ah ok, thing is its only the little fingers?
Anyone? How can I help this, thin layer of gel?!!
Did you use tips? tips which have been applied which are too small can sometimes cause this by putting stress onto the natural nail plate, also sounds like onycholysis which you are describing, when the free edge of natural nail starts to pull away from the nail bed, again caused by trauma or stress to the nail plate, a picture would be better for people to see though.

Did you use tips? tips which have been applied which are too small can sometimes cause this by putting stress onto the natural nail plate, also sounds like onycholysis which you are describing, when the free edge of natural nail starts to pull away from the nail bed, again caused by trauma or stress to the nail plate, a picture would be better for people to see though.


No tips, just silk on natural nail :/
I have this on my own little fingernail which started at college when we were doing the nail enhancement module. Someone had been a bit to overeager with the nail file and traumatised my nail as someone has aleady suggested.

This has caused my nail to lift from the nail bed..and grown in like that since (5 years ago).

I do find however that if I put a gel overlay over my nails to support it it does grow in normally.

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