hi all i have recently opened my home beauty salon now i have a reception area a toilet(of course) a beauty treatment room and a spray tanning room. We have radiator in reception and toilet and beauty room but not one in tanning room as it was advised to us not to that it would be ruined with spray and we wouldn need it. My partner fitted a fan and all in so it would filter any fumes away. It is tiled from top to bottom including floor. its situated at the back of our garage separte place separte door etc but the air to the fan is coming from garage we are getting a door on the garage this week and our boiler is in there so it will be alot warmer air circulating. O.k the problem is i find it hard to heat the tanning room try to put electric heater in before client comes to heat it up helps but then i have to take it before start spraying them and the next client comes iu cant do this cause i'm straight in starting that person. sorry this is so long guys i'm just wondering what you guys all do. Also my beauty room can still sometimes be a tad cold for likes of facials and body treatments the radiator has been bleed several times. would heated blanket help. appreciate any advice