How long did your first full set take?


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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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Dublin, Ireland

Well I started my CND Foundation course on Monday so i have just done the first three days, i must say i have loved it, so so interesting. loved all the theory of it. But the practical?? OMG lets just put in this way, i have no natural talent at all!!! Smile lines? What smile lines. Find zone two and three very difficult also and basically left with a very lumpy and bumpy nail. I know it'll take practice practice practice so im not too worried yet!!:)

Anyhow i did my first full set last night on my mother and it took me four hours to complete the worst set of nails ever seen. How long did it take you to do your first full sets??

My tutor has told me that before my fourth day of the course which is the 14th (bringing a model) that i need to have done at the very least ten full sets before i go back, which really when you think about it is basically a set a day, How am i going to manage four hours a night!! Also i dont have ten volunteers, but i have about five so i'll just have to keep soaking them off a couple of people but four hours is a lot of time to ask somebody to give up just to get a really crappy set of nails at the end!! I know who my friends are!:eek:
I finished my CND foundation last week. Do you have a nail trainer? I think what your tutor meant by 10 full sets, was 10 sets of 5 nails on the nail trainer. Have you had the progress cards yet?

A full set takes me at least two hours still, but I am getting quicker. My nail trainer is still a very close friend of mine lol although I sometimes feel like throwing it through the window.

I used to get bumpy zone 3's, but realised that I was picking up huge beads of acrylic which isn't the thing to do!!! lol try and pick up smaller beads for zone 3. I can't really comment because I have been qualified a week lol but you will get loads of response from this site.

Also, get hold of Gigi's book nail class. Its really brilliant!!!! a bible

Good luck

Love Sarah xx
Don't worry about it hun,
we were all like this when we started,
my first set took me 4 hrs too and as for smile lines they were more like grimaces lol,
you will get there with practise, the trainer hand is a great tool to help you learn,
granted it is nothing like working on a real person but it wont moan, laugh or tell tales,
you can also just practise your smile lines on cheap tips, use some blue tack to hold the nail tip on the handle of a bottle of nail polish or what ever you can find,
Gigi`s book "nailclass" will help you 100%
we also have some tutorials on the site that are taken from the book that may help you until you can get a copy of the book, hth
My first set took me over 3 hours and they were thick and lumpy lol Practise makes prefect and your speed will come down.
Good Luck

mine took about 3hours and they were thick acrylic and slightly overlapping the nails -

after a bit of practice - the application has improved and so has my timing - but im still taking about 1.5 to 2 hours - esp depending on how long the nail is - the longer the nail -longer the time spent.
Just rang my mam there to find out how her awful nails were holding up and she said that most of the ones on her right hand have just snaped, all at the tips she said the left one seemed ok though!!! ha ha, i have to laugh otherwise i'll cry!!:lol:
Mine took about four hours too, probably an hour of that was filing!!:lol: However, in not too much time I am down to about 2- 2 1/2 hours. There are some really good tutorials in the tutorials section that I can highly recommend. Now you have learnt some of the basics you can visualise what they are trying to describe. I found that they have really helped. Keep at it, if you want to learn there is so much info out there, and the guys on here have so much experience you can really learn a lot from them.
bout 3 hours me for my first set. Learn to talk to the hand..... you still can talk tothe client but just talk to the hand. I used to sit back and wave my file about lol one of my trainee girls took five hours other day but the nails themselves were beautiful with gorgeous smiles.
Try to keep that sense of humour hun, we have all been there too. This is in fact a great time for you, making mistakes and learning from them is vital to move forward - and you will :)

My first set took me 4 hours and looked shocking - they were so thick I spent prob 2 hours filing away all the needless product I`d applied :eek: but I learned from it (I still do from every set I`m no expert yet!) and for me once I`d learned to try and form the nail shape with my brush at product application stage instead of my file at the end things really clicked for me, less was most defiantly more in my case.....!

You will get there....

My first full set of pink and whites (gel) took me 5 hours 8 minutes!!
God bless my dear friend who had the patience to sit there as my guinea pig!:lol:
Aww thanks for the replies, its nice to know im not the only one who started off at over four hours!! Im going to spend the day tomorrow on my nail trainer and then i have a friend coming over tomorrow evening so im going to practice on her (thank god for good friends) (however a few who did offer have now suddenly gotten scared and dropped off the face of the earth, cant really say i blame them), Im going to soak off Mams aswell and maybe do her on Sunday again. Poor woman, we couldnt even talk after i did them the other night, i was nearly crying with the tiredness and her poor back was broken!! Things mothers will do for the children!

Im going to print off the tutorials and bring them home with me and have a good read of them all. Thanks for the moral support.

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