it takes time to build up your clients so dont expect to be mad busy straight away,in my experiance news paper adds are a no no does any body really read the adds any more?
word of mouth is by far the best way to build your client base,do a few free tans,the local barmaids,a hairdresser,school teacher at the kids schools,ect just to get people talking "have you been on hols?" and then they will get to see the results for them selves ask the free tan people to pass on your business cards, it will cost you £1.50 in solution per person and they are a walking advertisement,:lol:
also facebook bebo ect are free ways to get it out and about that you have started a new venture, gum tree offer a free internet adds service its also a good way to reach new clients
A leaflet posting is a bit hit and miss, you could be posting leaflets through the doors of africans asians middle aged single men ect
much better to stand in your town centre and hand leaflets out to people who look like they would want a spray tan,they get to see you and you can talk to them about prices and pre prep ect
we offer marketing advice to our customers and provide leaflets ect for there use i am sure the company your going with will do the same hth and good luck its a great buisness to be in :lol::lol: