How to make perfect polka dots on Shellac?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2013
Reaction score
Pinjarra, Western Australia
I use a dotting tool with shellac to do polka dots but they never come out as perfect as I'd like, is there any tips?
I do my dots over a base of colour that has not been cured, they come out pretty nicely that way :)
I do my dots over a base of colour that has not been cured, they come out pretty nicely that way :)

Will have to try that! I always cure the base color first, maybe that's why they are funny shaped lol... I imagine you get a flatter over all finish this way aswell
Will have to try that! I always cure the base color first, maybe that's why they are funny shaped lol... I imagine you get a flatter over all finish this way aswell

yup, smooth as a baby's bottom :)
I do my dots over a base of colour that has not been cured, they come out pretty nicely that way :)

Hmmm I shall try this next time! Thanx for the tip x
Hmmm I shall try this next time! Thanx for the tip x

I found the tip off another clever geek from this site :) (can't remember who sorry) :Love: love salon geek! :Love:
I do them into tacky layer of base colour, trick is to not have too much product on your dotting tool and redip for each one so they are all exactly the same.
I do my polka dots on two cured layers of shellac , I dip my dotting tool for every dot to make sure they are all the same size , I do 3 to 4 evenly spaced dots down the centre of the nail then put more dots to one side in between the previous dots :) ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1379877556.766834.jpgImageUploadedBySalonGeek1379877577.761364.jpg
I do my polka dots on two cured layers of shellac , I dip my dotting tool for every dot to make sure they are all the same size , I do 3 to 4 evenly spaced dots down the centre of the nail then put more dots to one side in between the previous dots :) View attachment 43534View attachment 43535

O my lord why have I never done this!!! I do mine randomly and I'm never happy with the spacing! Some times the answer is so simple you just don't see it !! Xx
I do my polka dots on two cured layers of shellac , I dip my dotting tool for every dot to make sure they are all the same size , I do 3 to 4 evenly spaced dots down the centre of the nail then put more dots to one side in between the previous dots :) View attachment 43534View attachment 43535

I do mine exactly the same, I'm so OCD about my polka dots lol x

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