Hi Natalie
First I would like to say good luck with your new business.
Always try to have confidence in yourself and your ability. You have after all done the training and passed. This confidence will also sensed by you clients, and will relax them.
If you are not planning on borrowing any money you do not need an official business plan. However i would recommend you coming up with one to help guide and focus yourself. You should also come up with a list of things you want for your business. This will help you to decide what is really important, after all you would kick yourself if you have beautiful stationary but forgot to get client assessment forms.
You need to decide if you are going to be a sole trader (self employed) or a limited company. There are still some PAYE and NI benefits of being a limited company but you have to be making a good profit to off set the high accountant fees.
You can have a look to see if there are any funding options out there for you. If you are under 30 there may be. Another place to go for advice is Business Link, which is a government site offering help and advice
Business support, information and advice | Business Link
Also look what support the companies you are going to buy off can offer you. Can they help with advertising, do they let you use their images etc.
Tinkywinky is spot on when she says to check out what the competition are up to. It might even be an idea to go to one of the other salons in your area to see what they are like. This will also give you an idea on how you compare to them.
And as Tinkywinky said promote yourself, do the leg work and talk with people about what you can offer.
It is all a lot to think of, but it is really worth it. Good Luck
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