Inconsiderate supplier staff


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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2013
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So i went to sign up with a local supplier today, just to have as a stand by for essentials. I recently set up mobile, although I am not new to the industry (my training began in 2002). Basically, the 3 women behind the counter said "I didnt look like a beauty therapist" and would need to bring in ALL original copies of my certificates, even though i had a copy of my insurance with me & shown them all my certs which i have scanned on the ipad, they said they didnt believe those were my certificates. I was made to feel so small, I actually cried right there in the store!
OMG I have never been so humiliated - I DONT LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY THERAPIST!!! I am a little insecure about my weight and deidre barlow style specs (blind as a bloody bat lol) anyway, but I never ever dreamt people would hold my appearance against me! I had just been with a massage client, I had my embroided polo on, and i know I looked neat & tidy, and thanks to my car being a mini boots, I smelt pretty good too. My hubby has hit the roof, I cant stop crying, the kids think Ive lost it..
I love what I do, I am trying so hard to build my business, but now I dont even want to leave the house, feel so upset & angry, just need to vent :cry:
Ah my lovely :(

Absolutely disgusting behaviour! Stupid petty girls at their best!

I would be writing a letter of complaint and taking it to the supplier . With all my suppliers I email over my certificates which is the same as being shown on screen as they are screen shots. I think they were just being horrible and trying to be awkward!

Don't let anyone ever make you cry, especially horrible superficial nasty cows!
Dry your eyes lovely and take no notice of these stupid, yes stupid counter staff. Look at it as their failings my darling not you at all. Contact the store manager and the head office of this supplier in writing. Put that sadness and negativity towards positivity and write that letter! If nothing else it will be cathartic. Oh and never, EVER shop there again- vote with your feet.

Eff them my darling. Giant hugs, no more tear :Kissing:

edit: nails you type quicker than me lol! xxx
So i went to sign up with a local supplier today, just to have as a stand by for essentials. I recently set up mobile, although I am not new to the industry (my training began in 2002). Basically, the 3 women behind the counter said "I didnt look like a beauty therapist" and would need to bring in ALL original copies of my certificates, even though i had a copy of my insurance with me & shown them all my certs which i have scanned on the ipad, they said they didnt believe those were my certificates. I was made to feel so small, I actually cried right there in the store!
OMG I have never been so humiliated - I DONT LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY THERAPIST!!! I am a little insecure about my weight and deidre barlow style specs (blind as a bloody bat lol) anyway, but I never ever dreamt people would hold my appearance against me! I had just been with a massage client, I had my embroided polo on, and i know I looked neat & tidy, and thanks to my car being a mini boots, I smelt pretty good too. My hubby has hit the roof, I cant stop crying, the kids think Ive lost it..
I love what I do, I am trying so hard to build my business, but now I dont even want to leave the house, feel so upset & angry, just need to vent :cry:
just wanted to say how awful this is and i am so sorry you where treated this way. i have to say i admire you for not loosing it there and then because i would have stood there till they explained exactly what a therapist looks like. there are so many beauty professionals on here and i bet none of us look the same so that is the most ridiculous thing i have heard. sending you a big hug and get in touch with the manager as i dont think they will be pleased at loosing business chin up babe xxx :hug:
Thanks guys, I need the hugs x
My husband is drafting up a letter as we speak, it wont do any good, other than make him feel a little better though, its a small scale supplier (3 stores altogether) and Im pretty sure the older lady said she was co-owner, cos I did ask to see a manager! I certainly will not be stepping foot in that place ever again!! I dont have any further appointments this week (as i said, still new) which is a good thing, I'm sure come next tuesday i will feel better and back to myself. I wish I had of held my ground more, but I was so gobsmacked, usually I'm not one to bite my tongue!
Thanks again for kind words of support, theyve made me cry all over again, but good tears xx
How rude! I would certainly make a complaint and not set foot in the store again.
Hugs from me too x
Stop crying, prepare for tomorrow, go back with your Certs show them all of them before saying "don't sign me up, I wouldn't shop at a place with such complete and utter c****'s, I just wanted to prove a point" all nice and politely said, then just walk out as if you've been to the supermarket picked up a bottle of wine and are going home for the weekend.
If you don't feel comfortable doing that, think of how they look and pick out their faults, brows too thick? Nails chipped? Lipstick half off? A spot?
They must be very insecure vile things, and one day they will get it. You never know, they might end up in a crash that results in their face all mangled... Then who will laugh? YOU! That's who :) x
Shocking!!! I'm really tempted to say name and shame them. She if they are online and leave a google review to warn others. Totally out of order, makes my blood boil. Chin up, they are not worth crying over any more.
I think this treatment of a customer is absolutely awful. The worst thing is they will probably get a small telling off and that about it. We should really make a united front and everybody who thinks their attitude is disgusting should email saying that they have hear about the incident and they will no longer shop with them (they don't need to know we may live miles and miles away and never have anyway ;) )

Absolutely awful I really can't believe it, but you are definitely the better person for handling it the way you did xx
Letter of complaint has been posted, although Im confident nothing will be done because the manager / co-owner was there! Been to another supplier this morning, armed with my portfolio of hard copies & she laughed! I explained why and the wonderful lady was so kind - she was so helpful with my minimal order, and even threw in a FREE roo polish roll! Bless her, she was a larger lady herself and told me she had been frowned upon because of it in the past, made us both angry that this kind of thing seems not to be as isolated as one might think! Has restored my faith in human nature!
I might just wait until next week when I need to make a bigger purchase, go into the bit**y suppliers armed with all my bags & do the pretty woman thing "Hi remember me, you wouldn't serve me last week ... BIG mistake"
Feeling tons better today, so lovely to be able to come on sg and vent and have kind words of support xx thankyou xx
I can't believe these stupid imbeciles did this to you! That is appalling! Well done you for getting a letter done. I'd love to know what company this was, as I feel like phoning them up and giving them a piece of my mind!

Just as an afterthought, what does a Beauty Therapist look like then? Is there a particular way we should look? Lol!

Big hugs being sent over the internet to you my lovely, please don't let them get to you. xxx
nothing else to add as others have said it but HUGS

and well done for the complaint, disgusting behaviour!
well if the 3 behind the counter to go by - i assume all beauty therapists should be a reincarnation of a 1960's barbie, but with wrinkles lol (sorry if anyone has adopted this style, its not meant to offend!!)
well if the 3 behind the counter to go by - i assume all beauty therapists should be a reincarnation of a 1960's barbie, but with wrinkles lol (sorry if anyone has adopted this style, its not meant to offend!!)

LOOOOOOOOLS! Yep thats me, I am ok then I don't have to quit ha ha!

You did make me chuckle with that comment! Shame you didn't say that to them at the time (I know you were too upset) but I would have paidgood money to see their reaction had you said something like that hee hee :wink2: xx

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