Individual eyelash extensions issue! Help please!


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Oct 1, 2013
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I have been using Flirties expert strength adhesive for nearly 2 years now with no problems.
Even my patch tests have always been successful and I have a very steady stream of repeat lash clients.
My problem is, one of my regulars from the beginning, has come in with a picture today of her eyes after her last appointment. Both her top and bottom eyelids are swollen immediately along the lash lines. She says it only lasts a day or 2 and is very irritating. But goes away on its own. This happened the session before also.
Despite my cleansing along both top an bottom lash lines after service, this happened again. (I only lash top set)
I never touch the skin on application and I use a boots micropore tape to secure lower lashes. Always have as I find the eye patches tricky to use and cause gunky eyes.
I am trying to work out if she has developed a reaction to the glow, the tape or the oil free cleanser I use.
Has anyone seen this before? Any advice is greatly appreciated as my client has said she would rather cut her own head off than not have her lashes!
Please see pic attached!
Many thanks ;)
Patch test her in elbows and behind ears for all the products you use start to finish, it could be anything really, people are allergic to some odd things... If it's the tape there is an alternative tape, I forget the name though... And obviously there are various brands of cleanser/primer for you to try on her if it's anything like that... X
I've been told that micro pore tape is safe and you can't be allergic.
Don't believe it, I have a very bad reaction to it!
Patch test her in elbows and behind ears for all the products you use start to finish, it could be anything really, people are allergic to some odd things... If it's the tape there is an alternative tape, I forget the name though... And obviously there are various brands of cleanser/primer for you to try on her if it's anything like that... X

I agree to patch test the items separately, but DO NOT put the adhesive on the skin - it can only be tested by adding a lash to the natural lash.

In my experience, this looks like a glue reaction. She may have built up a an allergy and unfortunately may continue to be allergic. I would advise leaving them off for a while and then trying again, or trying a sensitive glue.
I've been told that micro pore tape is safe and you can't be allergic.
Don't believe it, I have a very bad reaction to it!

Of course you can. You can develop allergies to anything really! Just because it's less common to be sensitive to certain things doesn't mean it's not possible lol

And I think 'transpore tape' is what I was trying to think of! X
I agree to patch test the items separately, but DO NOT put the adhesive on the skin - it can only be tested by adding a lash to the natural lash.

In my experience, this looks like a glue reaction. She may have built up a an allergy and unfortunately may continue to be allergic. I would advise leaving them off for a while and then trying again, or trying a sensitive glue.

Are you sure about that? I was taught that you could do either on lash or behind ear. I know normally the adhesive shouldn't touch the skin but accidents happen so surely a patch test of a tiny dot behind the ear would be appropriate especially when you have suspicions of an allergy. I wouldn't want something near my eyes if I thought I would react to it! X
Are you sure about that? I was taught that you could do either on lash or behind ear. I know normally the adhesive shouldn't touch the skin but accidents happen so surely a patch test of a tiny dot behind the ear would be appropriate especially when you have suspicions of an allergy. I wouldn't want something near my eyes if I thought I would react to it! X

We recommend to patch test all products used by applying a bit to the natural lashes, ie primer,glue, debonder, sealant. This is the safest way to test if your client has any reaction to any of the products and i agree that if your client has this reaction regularly you should patch test and then swap to the sensitive glue before the reaction gets worse!
Hi all. I purchased a new tape from the pharmacy called clinipore. Was actually really nice to use.
My client was really happy to try this, as we have redone all glue patch tests on behind ear, and inner elbow with no reaction.
We already use the glue on her lashes so this isn't necessary to test that way.
I am 80% sure that it was the micropore tape I was using. It's more common to react to that than the glue apparently, and although i will still bare in mind the glue could still be the culprit, I will know this morning how it went as I've asked my client to keep me well informed.
Are sensitive glues still as good as the expert strength I use?
Hi all. I purchased a new tape from the pharmacy called clinipore. Was actually really nice to use.
My client was really happy to try this, as we have redone all glue patch tests on behind ear, and inner elbow with no reaction.
We already use the glue on her lashes so this isn't necessary to test that way.
I am 80% sure that it was the micropore tape I was using. It's more common to react to that than the glue apparently, and although i will still bare in mind the glue could still be the culprit, I will know this morning how it went as I've asked my client to keep me well informed.
Are sensitive glues still as good as the expert strength I use?

We do NOT recommend to patch test anywhere else other than on the natural lashes and you might want to check this with your insurance before doing it on other clients as it might void your insurance!

Both Flirties glues have their own strengths, as the odour and fume free one has been specifically developed for sensitive clients whilst the expert speed is just a bit quicker setting for advanced therapists :O)
Hi all. I purchased a new tape from the pharmacy called clinipore. Was actually really nice to use.
My client was really happy to try this, as we have redone all glue patch tests on behind ear, and inner elbow with no reaction.
We already use the glue on her lashes so this isn't necessary to test that way.
I am 80% sure that it was the micropore tape I was using. It's more common to react to that than the glue apparently, and although i will still bare in mind the glue could still be the culprit, I will know this morning how it went as I've asked my client to keep me well informed.
Are sensitive glues still as good as the expert strength I use?

You know a reaction can take 48hours to show right? Just with when you wrote the post etc it doesn't look like you waited long... X
Thanks Beautytrix, I have ordered the odour/fume free glue and am waiting to try this on my clients natural lash before her next appointment.
I have heard today that she has suffered the same reaction as the last 2 times, despite having no reactions for the first year or so of treatment until recently.
Changing tape has made no difference. Except that this time she feels no irritation?
I was extra extra vigilant to ensure no glue whatsoever touched the skin.
It's such a shame as all was well until recently :(
On this occasion I was basing her reaction time on the fact that
she seems to have a reaction within 24 hours of application. Which again she did this time.
If a more sensitive glue doesn't work I will have to refuse further treatments.
Wish me luck telling her that! She does not want to be without her lashes! But I haven't got much choice now.
Thank you.
Thanks Beautytrix, I have ordered the odour/fume free glue and am waiting to try this on my clients natural lash before her next appointment.
I have heard today that she has suffered the same reaction as the last 2 times, despite having no reactions for the first year or so of treatment until recently.
Changing tape has made no difference. Except that this time she feels no irritation?
I was extra extra vigilant to ensure no glue whatsoever touched the skin.
It's such a shame as all was well until recently :(
On this occasion I was basing her reaction time on the fact that
she seems to have a reaction within 24 hours of application. Which again she did this time.
If a more sensitive glue doesn't work I will have to refuse further treatments.
Wish me luck telling her that! She does not want to be without her lashes! But I haven't got much choice now.
Thank you.

I know it would be horrible, but unfortunately we can all develop allergies at any point and there is no way of protecting anyone from it. The odour and fume free glue might help (fingers crossed) and i have heard that sometimes clients de-sensitize also if they have a break for a while so it might be that she might be ok if she goes without lashes for a few months.
Its not what she wants but if it came to that you could maybe offer her the semi permanent mascara or our lash lift so that she isnt completely "bare" and that might help her to bridge that time but hopefully she will be fine with the odour and fumefree glue anyway!

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