i've had a horrible weekend


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squeeky macgeeky
Aug 28, 2003
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first i got a letter on friday morning telling me to go along to the hospital on monday for some tests as one of my blood results came back saying my baby is at risk of having a thing called edward syndrome....so i have been a bit upset about that........then i sort of settled down a bit as i keep thinking positive as it is only a risk but my fiances brothers wife had a baby boy yesterday morning so its sort of brought it all back to me wondering if my baby is going to be ok

then i was coming home at 7am this morning after taking my fiance to work and i fell coming out of the car.....i twisted my ankle really badly and couldnt get up....it took me about 20 minutes to get into my flat when normally it only takes 20 seconds :sad:

i came straight in and stripped off all of my muddy clothes and put an elasticated bandage on my ankle.....for the first hour i could hardly suffer the pain but then it started easing off slightly so i watched some telly in my bed but the minute i move my leg or foot the pain is terrible...i am just wainting for my dad to come and take me to the hospital.....i didnt want to phone anyone at 7am on a sunday morning so that is why i have left it this long to go to hosp

i dont think i have hurt baby, maybe all my extra padding in my fat belly saved it....i dont have any pain or problems there but i will abviously tell the hosp just incase

i will report back when i get home...hopefully i only have a bad sprain

Oh hun you sound so miserable:sad: . Big hugs :hug: coming down the phone lines to cheer you up:biggrin: . Hope all goes well, take it easy. Hope your baby is okay. Thinking of you.
oh sweetheart, you sound so p******* off , i am sure baby will be fine , but i bet your ankle will be sore for a bit , sending you lots of good vibes , love dee xx :Love:
sorry to hear this...your baby will be fine i'm sure and your ankle will get better - take it as a good opportunity to have a rest with your feet up!
when you go to the hospital ask lots of questions and get the answers, you need to come away with everything clear in your own mind, but please don't worry x
Maybe this is fate telling you you need to put your feet up - with a sprained ankle now your not going to have any choice!

As for your blood test - try hard not to worry, easy to say I know - but worrying will only distress you and the baby. Wait till Monday, when you know what it's all about - and you have facts in front of you. Any suspected abnormalities in pregnancy are normally followed up by a amneicentisis (sp?) so pretty much doctors can let you know exactly whats going on. In my second pregnancy, at my 20 wk scan, I was told my baby had cleft lip/palate and I was devastated. Shockingly I was offered a termination. I had all the usual worries, plus - would I love my baby, was I carrying a monster (awful now I know but I couldn't help feeling it). When she was born I loved her instatly. There was an immediate bond - she was beautiful, had a cosmetic deformity but was beautiful nontheless - and further more, completely dependant on me, I felt so protective over her. I know this is different to Edwards syndrome, but I hope some of what i've said will help you at the moment. TRY hard not to stress about it, put your feet up, and take it easy.

Good Luck XXXXX
Hi Stanleyann

You poor thing, :hug: please let us know how you are! Hopefully you won't have to spend the whole day waiting at the hospital.

Our best wishes for Monday as well, are you having an amniocentesis? Fingers crossed everything will be fine, even if your baby does have Edwards syndrome, it may just be in the partial form.

Thinking of you hun, please let us know how it goes xxxx

I can't believe you were offered a termination because your child had a cleft lip/palate, that , i think, is appalling :eek:

Nice post by the way... :D
I hope you're OK, take this chance to rest, it's good for you and the baby. Hugs to you!
bless ya.........
we are all thinking of you.
again take it easy (easy for me to say) but we are all here for you
big hugs :hug:
Hope you feel better soon, just take things easy from now on! l fell when l was heavily pregnant with my last baby thought l broke my arm , but everything was fine, l was doing to much and had to slow down, so take the hint! take care let us know how you get on Angie, xx
Oh hun you really sound down in the dumps!

Hope everything goes okay at the hospital let us know how you get on.

Big cuddles:hug: :hug:
hope all goes well at the hospital

take care hugs xx
Make sure you put your feet up..! and rest hun...NO more trips to the post office sending us goodies..:wink2:

Lets us know how you get on

Vicky xx
This was the same for me. My 12 week scan showed a cleft lip/palate and three scans later at weekly intervals they offered me a termination. That was 12 years ago and my lovely "little" boy has grown up into a typical pre-teen boy with hormones! He's had 4 operations and needs one more but I wouldn't do it differently if asked again. And all the worries during the remainder of my pregnancy meant nothing once he was born.

Keep your chin up.

Luv Shaza
Well I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much or you'll upset baby.....I had a diabetes worry when I was pregnant as my brother is severely diabetic, fortunately everything was fine, but please let us know how things go.

As for your ankle, I agree, I think someone's telling you that you need to take it easy. My son Kieran is at the side of me and he said to send you a hug from him (he's 2½, bless im) so here's his hug :hug:

just wanted to echo everything that's already been said, and send you lots of :Love: and :hug:s.

I really hope everything turns out ok - make sure you let us know how you get on?

thanks everyone for all your lovely thoughts and wishes........i am not long back from the hospital......i have bad tissue damage, the doctor said i would have been better to have broken it as it would have been less painfull and it would heal quicker...........the pain is unbelievable :sad:

i am off to my bed now to rest.....i will have to put my appointment at the hospital off for a few days till my ankle feels a bit better as i have been told to keep my weight off it for at least 48hrs but i think at least the pain is taking my mind off of any other thoughts :|

it is a detailed scan i have to go for and if they find any abnormalities in that then an amno test will have to be done so everyone cross your fingers that baby is ok when he gets his photo taken......i will let you all know how i get on.

thanks again everyone, its nice to know there are some caring people out there along with all the loonies in this world :rolleyes: ...lol

Theres not much that I can say to you as its already been said to you but you know were all here supporting you and thinking of you just take care of yourself and baby i'm sure you'l both be ok .

Ruby X X
Thinking off you and keeping my fingers crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxx
huggs n'stuff xxx
big hugs from me and the boys can u belive they are five months nearly hasnt time flown by.................... let us know how your scan goes hun......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

faye x samuel and joshua xx

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