I've said it before, I'll say it again


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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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I am about to give up on nails,i am soo fed up with them :(
I qualified years ago and struggled to get the hang of them,they always ended up lifting.
I have people whos nails last weeks and others that break after a week or so,i try to tell myself that it is probably the clients fault but i always feel somehow responsible and find this feeling hard to shake off.
I always find fault with my work even if the client says they like their nails.
I have tried and tried with nails and it is really starting to drain me now,i have thought of a one to one training but i feel like my heart is just not in it with the enhancements and they take the longest out of all my treatments.
I recently did a clients nails,when i arrived the primer had leaked all over my trolley so we used what little i had left on the brush for he nails,she has told me that they fell off later that day which i know would not have happened so i presume she just did not like them and had them redone somewhere else.
She said it is fine but i am feeling so deflated.
I am doing the IBD just gel nail polish course soon and am thinking of just concentrating on natural nails.
sorry for the essay but needed to get it off my chest :(
You recognise that you want to improve and feel more confident so if you decide to continue with nails this is a constructive thing as it could be a turning point for you in terms of seeking further education in this area.

It could also be a turning point in the sense that hey, maybe you just don't like nails and you are starting to feel that you would like to place your focus elsewhere.

Either way, things can only get better :)
awww i feel for you hun,im the same just cant get the hang of it.everyone else seems to make it look soo easy.i am also looking into gel nails as im hoping its easier to get the hang of it ((big hugs)) x
I don,t agree with the very kind replies of others ... I would say, give it up. You are not suited to nail enhancements, you do not have the skills necessary and they make you nervous. If it isn't fun ... don't do it. It clearly is not fun for you and you have no passion for it.
I learned gel nails before I did acrylic. I have never really enjoyed them but adore doing gel. Definitely try that route before you give up on nails altogether. If that doesn't work then concentrate on what you're good at and enjoy! (I hate waxing and avoid it like the plague!!) good luck xx
I don,t agree with the very kind replies of others ... I would say, give it up. You are not suited to nail enhancements, you do not have the skills necessary and they make you nervous. If it isn't fun ... don't do it. It clearly is not fun for you and you have no passion for it.

I agree with geeg - life really is too short to keep on plugging away at something you're not enjoying, if you don't have to.

It looks like you offer plenty of other treatments so why not concentrate on those instead?

Good luck with whatever you decide anyway. :)
I don,t agree with the very kind replies of others ... I would say, give it up. You are not suited to nail enhancements, you do not have the skills necessary and they make you nervous. If it isn't fun ... don't do it. It clearly is not fun for you and you have no passion for it.

Hi Geeg,
your right,any passion i had for nails has been squeezed out of me and sometimes they do make me a little nervous and i don't find it fun,only stressful :(
I dont want to fork out more money for extra training and find that i still don't enjoy it.
I think it will be a relief to give it up,i don't want my reputation ruined by someone having nails first before they have tried my other treatments.
I learned gel nails before I did acrylic. I have never really enjoyed them but adore doing gel. Definitely try that route before you give up on nails altogether. If that doesn't work then concentrate on what you're good at and enjoy! (I hate waxing and avoid it like the plague!!) good luck xx

Thanks for your reply,i have thought about the Gel nails so it is something to bear in mind.
I really like waxing and i am doing the intimate waxing course at the minute :)
In my experience, when you do something without passion you will never truly succeed or become great...

Stick to what you love and it's no longer a chore - rather it becomes something you excel in...
Sounds to me like natural nails could be your thing where what you see is what you get. :biggrin:

I don't think you can afford today not to be investing and using a premium brand of colour ... Shellac for a first choice; if its what natural nail people are asking for, it should be what they are getting. If not, there are going to be allot of angry natural nail clients around who will not like the state of their nails after being buffed and having gel applied to them every few weeks; that is not what natural nail care is about.

If you do not like client complaints of dehydrated damaged nails then I would go with Shellac and use it well and as it should be used and keep your natural nail clients delighted.
Just having a quick look at your profile, under "Geek skills" it seems you can do everything (except hair) so you have plenty of strings to your bow so while Shellac is a great natural nail option and I love it, at the beginning (as with many things) it is often not without its teething problems and in your position I personally would not do it straight away.

I'd give myself a complete breather for a while and just offer manicures so you absolutely know that nobody is going to come back in with something that has peeled off or chipped. People expect ordinary nail varnish to chip so that's different.

I would stick with what you love and what you know you can do expertly. And what's not going to stress you out.

That said, Shellac is a great product (and it is in demand), maybe consider it after a time? x

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