Just starting out, can anyone advise me?


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Active Member
Jul 16, 2012
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stoke on trent
Just thinking of doing a man and ped course, am mobile, want to know the best way to do this please

what are the most popular treatments? should I do a standard man and ped course and then invest in a shellac course and creative design or is it not worth it
forgot to say, I know cnd/sweet squared r good but in all honesty do I need to pay that or can I just do a normal course..
I was thinking of doing an acrylic course too, anyone can recommend that too..

and finally realistically, how long will it take me to perfect either
You dont have to train with CND, but if you are going to do mani/shellac & acrylics (L&P) it would be the best course to do. Its always nice to have the support of a big company, you can in the future if you have problems just pick up the phone.

Manicure & pedicures wont take you a long time to master. Its theory, learning about nails, which you could make a head start on, then It is the routine, once that is stuck in your head & you can paint nails neatly you've mastered it 😊 its just then practise.

Once you've got that add shellac worth doing the course (its not expensive)& go from there... Use the money you earn to add L&P.

Ok you aren't going to profit over night, or be great over night... It will take hours of hard work. Its not a quick fix. But if it is something you are passionate about it will be worth it! Ive been going 2 years now doing Bio sculpture nails & only recently am I 100% confident in my work (I do it part time, & lots of things can knock your confidence along the way) I think it helps to believe in the products you use.

Good luck xx

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