La Tanning


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Jun 14, 2010
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Hi All

Me again, well completed my course and now just looking for some feedback for La Tan. Does or has anyone used this. Thanks
I would be more than happy to help you with any enquiries you may have. As well as using LA in my salon I am also a trainer for LA. please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need me.

I did use it but found it wasnt very popular in the 10% and 12% due to the double dipping people were sprayed browner than the actual tan they got so I switched my main brand to Sienna. However I am still using the 8% and the LA Gold as have had no problems with those.

Hi there. I bought my kit from LA tanning and had no problems with the kit. The feedback that I got on the solutions (8,10 and 12%) was that the colour was nice, but fade off wasnt the best. I also tried out Nouvatan (8,10 and 12) and feedback I had from that solution was the fade off was really nice, just faded like a natural tan. The LA Disco (which I use on the disco dancers) is a fab colour which they love as they want it really really, no I mean really dark lol and they like to leave the guide colour on as well so the fact that it has a double bronzer is great. I have also found that the Nouvatan has definitley got the best smell before application as some of them are awful smelling. LA tanning is not too bad smelling on application either. If I was you I would just try different samples of solution to see what fits the general concensus, horses for courses! good luck in your quest.
I would be more than happy to help you with any enquiries you may have. As well as using LA in my salon I am also a trainer for LA. please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need me.


Hi I have LA tan and find that the fade off is really bad it cracks then I get left with what looks like 100's of freckles. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong as I love the colour and want to keep using it, plus I have spent a fair few pounds on the kit.
Any advice will be gratefully received Xx
Thanks everyone. well just ordered and spoke to the lovely francesca. Being from Ireland i went for the lighter colours to begin with. will let you know how i get on. Def best value for money i think! but time will tell.

p.s thanks to tigi too for her email.

Im so ecited now and cant wait to get started!
Hi I just started using La Tan the La Gold is the best with my young ones :)
Glam my lovely I have pmd you. If anyone else needs me with questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch xx
hey hun

I love LA, I have used Tantrick, Sienna, Fake Bake And California Tan. And I love LA tan the best, My clients say its their favourite and everyone comments on how much longer they think it lasts and the fact that it just doesnt come out orange. The solution is great and the 18% is one of a kind (I think) As far as solution goes its great, marketing materials on the other hand could be better and also cheaper!!! fake bake, and tantrick both do a large range of marketing materials either free with an order or at an affordable price. Thats my only little issue :) ohhhhh i would love to become a trainer for LA lol im probably over passionate bout it lol

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