Lash extensions - Micropore tape


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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Hi there, I am in my case study phase with Lash Extensions so please bear with me.
I use Micropore tape to tape down the bottom lashes, then use a collagen gel pad over the top. However when peeling the tape off the client, some find it quite painful and I feel awful.
Ive just bought some sticky back pads from lashbase, do you use these instead of micropore tape or in conjunction with? Or have I got an extremely sticky batch of micropore?
Are you de-tacking it before you stick the lower lashes down? I stick 4 strips on the back of the clients hand (after theyve washed them) and using a 'waxing' motion a couple of times, that seems to help a bit....
I don't use micropore tape on the lower lashes anymore for that reason. The under eye skin is so delicate. I just use a gel lint free pad and that works fine as long as you take the time to cover all the bottom lashes :) xx
Hi there, I am in my case study phase with Lash Extensions so please bear with me.
I use Micropore tape to tape down the bottom lashes, then use a collagen gel pad over the top. However when peeling the tape off the client, some find it quite painful and I feel awful.

I've just trained in eyelash extensions and we used the micro porous tape before the patches, we were shown how to really support the skin and stretch whilst taking the tape off, so far my guinea pigs have been fine, no problems.

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