Look at the reply I got-Shellac!


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I am CND shellac trained so am aware that the reply was completely wrong

The advert was offering shellac for 15 or 25 hands and feet with a full range of co ours and lots of neons which sent alarm bells off
I just replied to see if it was cnd as I'm not aware of any neons

Have asked which brand so wait and see....

Hmmm I wonder if it's Gelish then if it's got neons. Will be interesting xxx
You can use pigments with Shellac and all the others to create neons also.

It will be interesting to see what she comes back with.
I use shellac myself so obviously know that gellux and shellac are completely different, but i think someone higher up is confused as i have read on this site before that someone was told by a member of staff at a wholesaler, i may be wrong but i remember it to be capital, saying that gellux is exactly the same as shellac and the ingredients are the same. again i know this isn't true but you can't blame people if this is what they are being told :hug:
This is true no offence was meant to the poster.

Purely clarifying what should already be known.

If it is correct and people are being told then those "trainers" should be reported.
I use shellac myself so obviously know that gellux and shellac are completely different, but i think someone higher up is confused as i have read on this site before that someone was told by a member of staff at a wholesaler, i may be wrong but i remember it to be capital, saying that gellux is exactly the same as shellac and the ingredients are the same. again i know this isn't true but you can't blame people if this is what they are being told :hug:

Thank you.......thers no need to slate other nail technicians if they are being mis-informed about ther products. Like youve just said a wholesaler has gave a buyer the totally wrong information about the products. Like my wholesaler has given us the wrong information, so the rude comments i wpuld say were very uncalled for!
Totally agree! I read a comment the other day that said reply to people how you would like to be replied to and there's no need to be rude to people if you don't like or agree with what they said especially if they have been misinformed. Xxx
I myself don't really know the difference between the brands. I no some are soaked off different and that there are power polishes amongst others however I'm still confused.
I'm on this site to learn. I do think some of the replies from people are just rude. Iv read a lot of these post recently I don't usually comment and just browse to gain info.
Surely anyone can understand how frustrating it is to have to explain to your clients the differences when they have been duped into using a product, so its even more frustrating to have to explain to a tech.

Like I said, no offence was intended. Of course this site is about learning, thats what the majority of people are on here for ,my self absolutely included in this.

I dont expect everyone to know the differences between all the brands, I don't, but you should know about the brands you are using! How else can you fully inform your clients and answer their questions??

But again if Mommabear was offended that was not my intention, apologies on that front. I was in no way "slating" you though. I would consider reporting the person that informed you of this and doing some reading into your chosen product.
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Mommabear, you must understand that a lot of these responses are born from frustration.

With all the threads on Salon Geek related to non-traditional polishes such as Shellac, Gelish, OPI Gelcolor etc, we expect nail professionals to be informed as to the differences among these products....especially before replying in a thread.

You were given incorrect information from your supplier. We understand that. Now if you re-read the responses in this thread without inferred tone, I think you'll find them less offensive than you initially believed them to be.

Again, with all due respect and no offense intended. We are all professionals here.
It gets worse..... Are you sure you are ready for this??......
Find a soft surface for those heads!!

Could you tell me the brand?



Well I have CND top and base coat however my colours are various other brands and I have never had problems... I also have various top and base coats aswell... But like I said they all do the same job if anything one of the other brands I use I have found is better than CND.
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Is this in a salon in Beckenham? I live near there (ok edit realise is probably not)

Amazing she gets any clients, as there is bound to be a breakdown of products and service.
It gets worse..... Are you sure you are ready for this??......
Find a soft surface for those heads!!

Could you tell me the brand?



Well I have CND top and base coat however my colours are various other brands and I have never had problems... I also have various top and base coats aswell... But like I said they all do the same job if anything one of the other brands I use I have found is better than CND.
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OMG! Seriously??!!!!
It gets worse..... Are you sure you are ready for this??......
Find a soft surface for those heads!!

Could you tell me the brand?



Well I have CND top and base coat however my colours are various other brands and I have never had problems... I also have various top and base coats aswell... But like I said they all do the same job if anything one of the other brands I use I have found is better than CND.
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Oh my giddy aunt! What a joke! Probably another 'unqualified so called tech' :(
Ask her what qualifications she holds!
I think it is a mobile therapist,
I saw it on net mums which is full of people charging peanuts for beauty treatments.
I would love to reply with a big long rant!
It gets worse..... Are you sure you are ready for this??......
Find a soft surface for those heads!!

Could you tell me the brand?



Well I have CND top and base coat however my colours are various other brands and I have never had problems... I also have various top and base coats aswell... But like I said they all do the same job if anything one of the other brands I use I have found is better than CND.
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Holy Crap! Let's hope she's selling out and closing shop. Don't want someone like that who thinks putting a hodge-podge of mix-matched products on her clients to think that is what being a nail professional is all about.

She gives those of us who are true nail professionals a bad name!
She's advertising her services not to sell up unfortunately
Ask her what qualifications she holds!

and what insurance company shes with! haha DO IT!!!!

edit: sorry got carried away in the moment, but i would quite like to know what insurance company she is with, if any x
This thread comes under the heading of posting about other peoples work and has been as predictable as all the rest.

Surely it is only those who are perfect in everything they do who should be commenting on any others.

This is not being directed at the OP specifically, but at others who have posted on this thread, not many will win any brownie points.

1. we have people slating another person for being misled by someone who was in a position of trust and knowledge - not very professional.

2. we have a salon being slated on a public forum for possible naiivity.

3. the pack mentality yet again has reared its ugly head - one person posts a negative and then lots follow.

This has got to stop people, think before you post and remember that your posts on this very public forum define you as a professional!
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