Hiya hun here are the ones i use bellow one is for the make up plan and one is a consultation card.
Make-up plan
Clients Name:
Occasion make-up required for:
Allergies to products/cosmetics:
Skin type:
Skin texture:
Skin colour:
Eye colour:
Skin tone: warm/cool
Hair colour:
Eye shape: (circle one that applies)
Small, Round, Close-set, Wide-set, Narrow, Deep-set, Hanging lids, Protruding, Other
Lips: (circle one that applies)
Thin, Full, Unbalanced, Asymmetrical, Drooping, Other
Nose: (circle one that applies)
Broad, Snub, Thin, Short, Long, Other
Corrective make -up
Colours used:
Aftercare advice:
Products recommended: