Minx Lamp (Minx Mystery Solved)


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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2009
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Hi everyone

Just done my Minx course!

I was going to buy everything including the Lamp but was told that S2 do not have any in the country at the moment, also it's a new design and £50 more than the old version, so at the moment I have come away with absolutely nothing and started a search on the net.

I have come across 'Minx Mystery Solved' which is from S2 telling you that you do not need their lamp and gives you the spec you need.

Has anyone else come across this, also is anyone using an alternative? If so how are you getting on?

Many thanks:green:
Hi everyone

Just done my Minx course!

I was going to buy everything including the Lamp but was told that S2 do not have any in the country at the moment, also it's a new design and £50 more than the old version, so at the moment I have come away with absolutely nothing and started a search on the net.

I have come across 'Minx Mystery Solved' which is from S2 telling you that you do not need their lamp and gives you the spec you need.

Has anyone else come across this, also is anyone using an alternative? If so how are you getting on?

Also my husband has talked to his team of electricians at work and they've told me to save my money buy a 250w bulb and put in my desk top lamp, they said there is no problem with this and no danger!! Any thought's they've gotta know what they're talking about haven't they, they are the professionals!?!

Your thoughts would be appreciated , I'm now very confused.
Have you actually spoken to Sweet Squared about it?
There so many factors to take into consideration when looking at this namely a 250w bulb will give off a very bright light also and not just heat and you must be sure that the ordinary lamp is able to take that amount of wattage as not every lamp has the wiring capacity.
Please be very careful when using lamps when applying minx as the reflection can damage your eyes I speak from experiance. I LOVE Minx but like any other product act responsibly and professionally and ensure you use the correct product and don't electrocute yourself or your client!
I wouldn't put myself or my client in any type of danger! In my previous job as a Manger for a Co. I had to study and sit several Health & Safety exams and I'm well aware of the dangers and certainly wouldn't put a lamp together myself. However, I'm also well aware of money making marketing ploys! if a senior electrician tells me an infra red lamp is an infra red lamp wherever you buy it from, I think I'm going to trust him, especially as S2 are saying more or less the same thing.

Lol! I think I've answered my own questions!!
I wouldn't put myself or my client in any type of danger! In my previous job as a Manger for a Co. I had to study and sit several Health & Safety exams and I'm well aware of the dangers and certainly wouldn't put a lamp together myself. However, I'm also well aware of money making marketing ploys! if a senior electrician tells me an infra red lamp is an infra red lamp wherever you buy it from, I think I'm going to trust him, especially as S2 are saying more or less the same thing.

Lol! I think I've answered my own questions!!

I can't vouch for whether it is safe/advisable to do so, but I guess another consideration if making a "DIY" lamp would be that the housing of the desk lamp can cope with the heat from the infra red bulb.

That said, some desk lamps can get very hot in their own right. Has anyone tried using one for Minx?
An "ordinary" desk lamp is, typically, rated for no more than 60W (check inside the reflector/shade). It, probably, won't have a ceramic bulb fitting and heatproof wiring that a heat bulb needs. Quite simply, it could catch fire:eek:


I have the minx lamp from S2 but found it too bulky to use when i do mobile work so i leave this in the salon.

I bought a medisana Infrared lamp from the website below for around £20 which works fantastically and looks a damn site more professional than using a hairdryer or trying to heat with a desk lamp!

Hope this helps

Medisana Infrared Lamp | Life Pharmacy

I wouldnt usually personally use anything that was from the actually supplier.
However i feel like im losing money not being able to offer minx at the moment. All other salons in the city are offereing it and its mega mega popular at the moment, really big!!

There is an infrared lamp from Argos that is a similar spec as the minx lamp, dont get me wrong im not saying it is identical! It is £49.99 and once the minx lamps come in stock i will be buying one, but for the moment this is what i am using. It is safe as it is a body therapy lamp.

Boditek Infrared Therapy Lamp - Argos - £49.99

(It is currently out of stock on the website but your local store may have one in if you check on the website)

Hope this helps. x

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