Mobile therapist getting fed up lugging - any great ideas?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
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Hey everyone.
As a mobile therapist I'm getting to the point where lugging all my stuff about is starting to realty take its toll.
I love being mobile but hate all the carrying. Not too much of a problem if dressed in tracksuits and trainers, a bit more of a problem when wearing boots leggings and cardigans!!!!
I seem to have a lot of clients that now live in top floor flats with no lift - that want lash extensions, nails and waxing = x3 boxes, a bed, a rucksack carrying towels, and a lamp, and a portable table + my bag carrying keys phone diary - i look like a loaded up donkey and starting bear the scars!!!!
I'm shattered before I even start the treatment. Other than spending hours carefully selecting the minimum amount of products to take I can't see any other options, anyone got some great ideas or tips they use.
I've seen the Roo cases on here but looking at them I'm not sure they would suit me with all my bottles brushes etc - also id need the pull along case and ruck sac to fit all my nail stuff - so not much different to what iv got now with my nail trolley and bag.
So all your ideas greatly appreciated :)
Is there anyway of offering the waxing/lashes in a spare room at home then just doing nails mobile? x
Is there anyway of offering the waxing/lashes in a spare room at home then just doing nails mobile? x

I have my own beauty room and I have some clients come to me, but most if them like me to go to them. Eventually I would like to have a home salon only - but until then being mobile is what makes me attractive to clients.
I know what you mean it annoys me sometimes but the best I can say is take care of yourself I regularly have a sports massage and make sure I exercise and stretch my muscles! I've also got some well trained clients husbands to carry for me!! One today fixed a loose bit on my couch and tightened everything up for me bless him!!
I have my own beauty room and I have some clients come to me, but most if them like me to go to them. Eventually I would like to have a home salon only - but until then being mobile is what makes me attractive to clients.

Are you absolutely sure that some of your clients wouldn't be prepared to come to you if the price was right?? Once you take into account the time (and effort) spent packing up, unpacking, packing up again, lugging the stuff to your car and time spent driving between clients, are you really making enough profit on your treatments?

If you are charging more for the convenience of a mobile service (and I hope you are!!), is it possible that incentivising your clients by charging less for coming you would still net you as much if not more profit?

It seems to me that unless you actually really want to do mobile work, why wouldn't you capitalise on having a home salon where you could physically see more clients rather than spend time packing and travelling, charge a bit less for clients to come to you and maybe still make more profit and arguably provide a more relaxing service for your clients away from the distractions of their family home? I think it's a win win situation for everyone.

I am sure that many mobile therapists would kill to have their own home salon and perhaps the time has come on promoting your beauty room and maybe even consider expanding or enhancing some of the services you offer to make it even more attractive to your clients. I also work from home and can assure you that my clients LOVE coming to me because it's so peaceful and relaxing. Not once has any of my regulars asked me to go to them!

I only did mobile once - a facial and a manicure for someone................never again. The actual 2 hour treatment turned into about 3 and half hours once I took into account the packing and travelling, not to mention the fact I was knackered from lugging my couch and products into someone's house!

Horses for courses and if you like mobile work then fair play to you but it seems to me that it's not really suiting you. It's your business, you're in charge of it and you decide the direction you want to take it in.

Good luck
i use my nouvatan roller bag for carrying things now. i can fit my spray tan necessities (machine and towels included) and i can fit products and towels for one other treatment whether it be nails, facial, eye treatments etc. and then all i really have to carry is my pop up tent or my beauty couch on top xxx

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I use a box on wheels with an extendable handle...the ones you get from stationary shops. Mine was from Staples and cost £15. I have a separate case for my nail stuff so that fits in there, along with lamp, lead, extension cable, heated mists, small couch roll and towel. And my folder with consultation forms, aftercare sheets etc. So I wheel that along then carry my fold up table.

If I am doing additional treatments I have a big square basket with handles that will just sit on top of everything just mentioned. So I only have to lift the box out the car, then over the doorstep (or up stairs if they live in flats).

Don't get me wrong, even that feels like heavy work to me and my back aches, but seems better than how you're doing it now?

If need my massage couch I just have to make a second trip to the car. That reminds me I must get one of those couch cases with wheels on.

I don't think there's ever going to be an easy solution for us mobile therapists. Which is why I am trying to steer them more into coming to me ;-) I offer them 20% off if they do. And I make about the same as if I were to go to them.

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I'm also a mobile therapist but I've also rented a room in a tanning salon it's so much easier to store all beauty products etc. clients have the option to come to the salon which is easier for you.

Im going to be home based in acouple of months however I will offer a mobile service but I will be adding a 20% surcharge to the treatment cost for time effort etc of going out to someone maybe you could try this? The only exception to this is as my beauty room is upstairs if someone cannot get to me because of a disability for example I will goto them without the 20% surcharge

Are you absolutely sure that some of your clients wouldn't be prepared to come to you if the price was right?? Once you take into account the time (and effort) spent packing up, unpacking, packing up again, lugging the stuff to your car and time spent driving between clients, are you really making enough profit on your treatments?

If you are charging more for the convenience of a mobile service (and I hope you are!!), is it possible that incentivising your clients by charging less for coming you would still net you as much if not more profit?

It seems to me that unless you actually really want to do mobile work, why wouldn't you capitalise on having a home salon where you could physically see more clients rather than spend time packing and travelling, charge a bit less for clients to come to you and maybe still make more profit and arguably provide a more relaxing service for your clients away from the distractions of their family home? I think it's a win win situation for everyone.

I am sure that many mobile therapists would kill to have their own home salon and perhaps the time has come on promoting your beauty room and maybe even consider expanding or enhancing some of the services you offer to make it even more attractive to your clients. I also work from home and can assure you that my clients LOVE coming to me because it's so peaceful and relaxing. Not once has any of my regulars asked me to go to them!

I only did mobile once - a facial and a manicure for someone................never again. The actual 2 hour treatment turned into about 3 and half hours once I took into account the packing and travelling, not to mention the fact I was knackered from lugging my couch and products into someone's house!

Horses for courses and if you like mobile work then fair play to you but it seems to me that it's not really suiting you. It's your business, you're in charge of it and you decide the direction you want to take it in.

Good luck

OMG it's like a lightbulb moment.
Having read all of your replies I'm really thinking of working from my home salon.
It just makes sense - obviously apart from those that can't get to me in case of disability like posted.
I think not only is the lugging getting to me but the unsuitability of a lot of people's homes , ie bad light for eyelash extensions, unable to park, lots of stairs, unruly pets and just the general noise of family homes.
Do you think I may lose some customers though? Or do you think the 20% added charge to cover time and petrol cost would keep those customers that would really rather stay at home.
Would love to have all your views on it? Also how I change my pricing etc.
X :)
OMG it's like a lightbulb moment.
Having read all of your replies I'm really thinking of working from my home salon.
It just makes sense - obviously apart from those that can't get to me in case of disability like posted.
I think not only is the lugging getting to me but the unsuitability of a lot of people's homes , ie bad light for eyelash extensions, unable to park, lots of stairs, unruly pets and just the general noise of family homes.
Do you think I may lose some customers though? Or do you think the 20% added charge to cover time and petrol cost would keep those customers that would really rather stay at home.
Would love to have all your views on it? Also how I change my pricing etc.
X :)
Sometimes we are too close to our own situations to see the obvious!
Yes, you may lose a few clients but how badly do you want to keep going to them with all the drawbacks you have listed?

With regards to changing your pricing, take a look at what other home based therapists in your area are charging for their services and come in where you feel most comfortable....personally, I charge a little more than most local home based therapists (and some salons lol!) but in my experience it doesn't put people off. They like the peace, privacy and personal service I provide.

Reading between the lines, you are fed up with doing mobile work and from what I can see, don't actually need to do it as you are fortunate enough to have your own beauty room! Capitalise on it, price your services sensibly (and consider enhancing a few in the comfort of your own surroundings) and chances are your mobile clients will love coming to you for the same reasons my clients love coming to me.

That and the fact you won't be completely knackered and worn out from the continual packing up, unpacking and driving around, not to mention the cost of fuel and time taken to do all the above. You are also giving yourself the opportunity to fit more clients in to your working day and increasing your income.

It's a new year......go ahead and relaunch your business and I bet you won't look back!!

Good luck
Sometimes we are too close to our own situations to see the obvious!
Yes, you may lose a few clients but how badly do you want to keep going to them with all the drawbacks you have listed?

With regards to changing your pricing, take a look at what other home based therapists in your area are charging for their services and come in where you feel most comfortable....personally, I charge a little more than most local home based therapists (and some salons lol!) but in my experience it doesn't put people off. They like the peace, privacy and personal service I provide.

Reading between the lines, you are fed up with doing mobile work and from what I can see, don't actually need to do it as you are fortunate enough to have your own beauty room! Capitalise on it, price your services sensibly (and consider enhancing a few in the comfort of your own surroundings) and chances are your mobile clients will love coming to you for the same reasons my clients love coming to me.

That and the fact you won't be completely knackered and worn out from the continual packing up, unpacking and driving around, not to mention the cost of fuel and time taken to do all the above. You are also giving yourself the opportunity to fit more clients in to your working day and increasing your income.

It's a new year......go ahead and relaunch your business and I bet you won't look back!!

Good luck

I totally agree! Go for it!
So i have done it. I have taken on board all of your amazing advice and done it.
Web page and facebook page changed, prices altered.
All existing clients texted to inform of the new changes - however I will attend the houses of my pre booked clients but in the future existing clients will receive 20% discount off any treatments £20 or over ( figured il still make my money with that offer ) added that in exceptional circumstances such as child care or disability I can go to the client but additional charge will apply.
Then text all my ladies my new price list so hopefly all sorted :)
So i have done it. I have taken on board all of your amazing advice and done it.
Web page and facebook page changed, prices altered.
All existing clients texted to inform of the new changes - however I will attend the houses of my pre booked clients but in the future existing clients will receive 20% discount off any treatments £20 or over ( figured il still make my money with that offer ) added that in exceptional circumstances such as child care or disability I can go to the client but additional charge will apply.
Then text all my ladies my new price list so hopefly all sorted :)

Marvellous :Love: !!!

All the very best
Re towels - you should try Easydry single use towels to reduce the size and weight of what you're carrying around. They are light and compact but absorbent and effective.

They have a variety of sizes and colours. Check out

Also, as they are single use you can dispose of them after each treatment so your load will get lighter as they day goes on. They are biodegradable and recyclable.

Dm me if you want more info?
Does it not work out mad expensive using disposable towels...I do wish sometimes that towels folded much smaller especially when you're packing for a few jobs and then there's the whole big towel wash constantly!
Hi jenBella.

Good question. You need to work out your laundry costs now. Then compare with single use. Don't forget to consider the convenience - saving time, space etc.

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