Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a nail softening product available in the UK?
My handicapped sis is extremely phobic about having her toe nails trimmed, and gets so freaked out about it that it has to be done in stages or else the stress would be dangerous for her. (Seriously!) It's even been suggested by one care professional that she be given a general anaesthetic to have them done....er, I don't think so!!!
Anyway, because her nails are very, very thick it would make the task easier and quicker if there was some means of softening them. (Soaking in water has no effect on them by the way). They're as thick as they are because she has fungal infection which can't be treated. (The GP won't prescribe the usual medication as she would be vulnerable to the side-effects, and topical treatments don't touch it).
Sooooo...... I know we're usually looking for nail strengtheners for natural nails, but has anyone ever heard of a nail softener???
Thanks for any replies!
Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a nail softening product available in the UK?
My handicapped sis is extremely phobic about having her toe nails trimmed, and gets so freaked out about it that it has to be done in stages or else the stress would be dangerous for her. (Seriously!) It's even been suggested by one care professional that she be given a general anaesthetic to have them done....er, I don't think so!!!
Anyway, because her nails are very, very thick it would make the task easier and quicker if there was some means of softening them. (Soaking in water has no effect on them by the way). They're as thick as they are because she has fungal infection which can't be treated. (The GP won't prescribe the usual medication as she would be vulnerable to the side-effects, and topical treatments don't touch it).
Sooooo...... I know we're usually looking for nail strengtheners for natural nails, but has anyone ever heard of a nail softener???
Thanks for any replies!