Need a nail tech-help


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Oct 14, 2013
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hi im looking for some advice... I no nothing about nails but im opening a hair salon with I want to sublet the nail bar. its in a town centre location,iv brought the nail bar and all storage chair ect. im including business advertising,electric,heating and bills they are in charge of there own insurance and tax looking to charge £10 a day. no profit split!
a couple of girls who I have approached are finding 10 to be fine in cost but also want me to give a % towards products I personally don't find this visible to me but what do you think am I charging to high.if is was to buy products wouldn't I be better to employee a nail tech
thank you
hi im looking for some advice... I no nothing about nails but im opening a hair salon with I want to sublet the nail bar. its in a town centre location,iv brought the nail bar and all storage chair ect. im including business advertising,electric,heating and bills they are in charge of there own insurance and tax looking to charge £10 a day. no profit split!
a couple of girls who I have approached are finding 10 to be fine in cost but also want me to give a % towards products I personally don't find this visible to me but what do you think am I charging to high.if is was to buy products wouldn't I be better to employee a nail tech
thank you

Are you providing the nail products?

£10 a day in my opinion is a great price, are you looking for 1 person to have it 6 days? Or 2 part timers? Just thinking £60 per week would work out better for you, then they can use it as much as they want when you are open, rather than think "oh il just do 1 full day this week" & you only gain £10 that week.

I dont understand why they want to give you a %... And exactly what thats for? Xx
Are you providing the nail products?

£10 a day in my opinion is a great price, are you looking for 1 person to have it 6 days? Or 2 part timers? Just thinking £60 per week would work out better for you, then they can use it as much as they want when you are open, rather than think "oh il just do 1 full day this week" & you only gain £10 that week.

I dont understand why they want to give you a %... And exactly what thats for? Xx

thanks for your reply, have 2 ladies looking to do 3 days a week each. one lady is wanting me to help her towards her product costs and still only charge £10 a day. sorry didn't explain properly.
they want me to pay say 20% of the total it costs her to buy her nail products
Arrh yes I see.

What a cheek... She provides her own products end of conversation!

Gosh she would be getting the space free! Do not agree! That isnt how a self employed nail tech works, unless it was a % split which in my opinion things gets tricky.

Id rip your hand off for £30 a week!

Normally if your renting out a table area, that's it.. You rent out the space, average payment is between (I've found) £15/£20 per day.. But highest has been £35 for a good area one. They take all the profit etc and do all their own booking, publicity etc, You don't provide any products etc, just space, elec and possibly tea/coffee facilities. You would need to make sure you have a special licence or the one you have has nails covered on it and that renter has correct qualifications for this as you own the premises you'd be liable under this licence if their not correctly qualified, where I am that's a nail nvq. I know as having to sort this all out now. Plus they must have their own insurance.

It's a mindfield.

But in short.. No they pay rent that's it rest is up to the nail tech to provide.
I think you are best negotiating a rate such as £30 for 3 days for each of the ladies but that is payable in full regardless of whether they work 3 days or none, or £60 a week for 1 person. That's how I currently worked it with the owner of the hairdressers where I am renting a space. We negotiated a rate based on the number of days that I chose to work, but that rate is payable regardless whether I work more or fewer days (for example if I am holiday). I would recommend having a contract drawn up for each of the ladies, but I would say to envisage some logistical issues with 2 separate techs renting one space. For example, how will they store the items they don't take home with them, ensuring that each person is responsible for full tidying and disinfecting at the end of the day to avoid friction between the two of them. Also when a client comes in asking to book an appointment with a tech, if the client isn't sure which day they want, will you pass on both techs numbers' and let the client decide who they go with? Also allowing each of them an advertising area etc if you so chose. It's perfectly "do-able" but it's best to think about possible issues before they possibly arrive. Nail techs can be very protective of their cleanliness, space and products ;). Best of luck xxx
Totally agree with everything above, make a iron clad contract stating that they must pay the set weekly amount whether they work 1 day or 3, whether sick or on holiday and that if a client comes in with an issue, it's the self employed techs responsibility and not yours to refund, replace etc.
I'd bite your hand off for £10 a day - how many dats owe week are they committing to?
I'd bite your hand off for £10 a day - how many dats owe week are they committing to?

Excuse the fat finger typos in the above message!! Obviously I meant days and a week!! 😜
Wow, £10 a day is far too cheap! My hairdresser friend pays £30 a day regardless of whether she's there or not. I'd say £15-£20, they supply all their own product. Most would cover this cost with one client

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