New business ideas


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Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get a new business off the ground? Any forms of advertising which have worked better than others? Anything that you feel would be beneficial to a newbie?

Please help xx
It might help if you explain the type of business you are talking about hun x Mobile, Salon, home salon etc x Your treatments etc?

Without knowing any of the above I would say the best advise I can give you is dont expect too much too soon, be prepared to work all the hours gods sends and plan! You can't reach any goal unless you know how to get there x
Its teaching other people to spray tan. I'm actually the "administrator" so to speak but to be kept on I need people coming through the door just as much as the owner so I want to make the business a success.

Thank you for your feedback
You are the administrator for a spray tan company who need new marketing ideas? Or someone is qualified as a spray tanning educator who wants to set up some sort of training academy? Or you are part of an existing beauty business looking to get more business through the door?

This is a forum full of people with lots of start up and marketing knowledge but everyone is in some way connected to the beauty/hair business so you need to give as much specific information as possible to get the advice you need, it also helps to know what you've done already.

There is a search facility on here you might find that a lot of your questions are already answered so that's worth a look to.

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