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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Hi all,
I opened my salon last December so I've been opened 10 month, business is just really slow apart from my parties.
I feel I'm sat around most of the week, is this normal for a newest salon
Are you doing full advertising/marketing at all angles as much as possible?
Have you tried pushing the parties even more to keep afloat?

It generally takes 2 years to get a steady flow of clients in my book.

I was speaking to a client/friend last night I went to see.
I'm sure he won't mind me saying, he went from big house, the Bentley car, etc etc. to bankruptcy. Now he is on his way back up due to a bit of land and property etc.

He was saying it takes 4 years of someone seeing your shop to realise it's there. If your in a place people go past most people (including myself) are on auto pilot to there destination and aren't paying attention, hence taking so long for people to notice you. We was in our previous location and still had people after 2 years poke there head in going, you new here? Made me want to bang my head against the wall.
Thanks for that everything you said sort of makes sense cos I walk around with my eyes shut most of the time.

Would you mind me asking as I take it you have your own business? How long did it take for you to get busy and have a regular client basis? Like I said I'm sat around most of the time.

I'm booked up every weekend with parties so that's my breadwinner at the moment which really helps but I trained to be a beautician not a party entertainer even though I really enjoy doing them I want to be doing treatments during the week like nails and facials etc.

I do try and advertise as much as possible, was in the local paper the other week promoting a new party, we give leaflets out in the centre got websites top of google for my shellac, parties and lash extensions and I'm also on Facebook which isn't really working for me
Thanks for that everything you said sort of makes sense cos I walk around with my eyes shut most of the time.

Would you mind me asking as I take it you have your own business? How long did it take for you to get busy and have a regular client basis? Like I said I'm sat around most of the time.

I'm booked up every weekend with parties so that's my breadwinner at the moment which really helps but I trained to be a beautician not a party entertainer even though I really enjoy doing them I want to be doing treatments during the week like nails and facials etc.

I do try and advertise as much as possible, was in the local paper the other week promoting a new party, we give leaflets out in the centre got websites top of google for my shellac, parties and lash extensions and I'm also on Facebook which isn't really working for me

I have had a few businesses some more successful then others of course. Takes a couple of years at least to get out of what I call the 'danger zone' after 24-30 months you start to feel your feet and know what works and what doesn't in terms of marketing etc and can start building.

We never found advertising in papers any good what so ever. Solo leaflet distribution however with a good design and good quality leaflet reaps rewards.
Hi all,
I opened my salon last December so I've been opened 10 month, business is just really slow apart from my parties.
I feel I'm sat around most of the week, is this normal for a newest salon

Hi there

I also opened my home salon last year nove/dec.

It's been hard to build up clients, some weeks are busy some are quite.
I've been on Lynne's post about how to promote your business. Advertised on every free advertising site. Sent letters & leaflets to schools.

Still wouldn't say I'm fully booked or have at least 5 regular clients!

I've done pamper parties, I've had one client from 1st one, who bought her daughter in once. 2nd pamper party I've had one booked in.

I have my own website, FB page, twitter, Instagram etc.

I'm also working full time until is picks up so I can go part time, but it seems to be taking more time than I expected.

Good luck!
I'm right there with you! Opened my salon at the end of March, even though I'm not rushed off my feet everyday in the summer I had a steady flow. I've been set back a bit due to taking someone on that I thought would be an amazing asset and she's put me back months - lots of complaints, she was a nightmare!! Needless to say I've got rid of her so it's just me and my apprentice now.

I was under no illusion that I would be packed to the rafters in my first year or so in fact I was pleasantly surprised when it was more than washing its face. However I know how frustrating it is when you have long periods of just sitting around, September was my worst month since opening so I had lots of time to sit and panick that this other beautician had really messed my business up :(, that and since she's left I've been getting a lot of people booking in and not turning up.

Anyway I'm going off the subject!! It takes time, as long as you can pay your bills don't panick, sit tight and put your time into thinking about new marketing strategies.

Now to take my own advice!! :)
I'm right there with you! Opened my salon at the end of March, even though I'm not rushed off my feet everyday in the summer I had a steady flow. I've been set back a bit due to taking someone on that I thought would be an amazing asset and she's put me back months - lots of complaints, she was a nightmare!! Needless to say I've got rid of her so it's just me and my apprentice now.

I was under no illusion that I would be packed to the rafters in my first year or so in fact I was pleasantly surprised when it was more than washing its face. However I know how frustrating it is when you have long periods of just sitting around, September was my worst month since opening so I had lots of time to sit and panick that this other beautician had really messed my business up :(, that and since she's left I've been getting a lot of people booking in and not turning up.

Anyway I'm going off the subject!! It takes time, as long as you can pay your bills don't panick, sit tight and put your time into thinking about new marketing strategies.

Now to take my own advice!! :)

Hi Carla :)
I'm home based and its my 3rd or 4th month in business, before I set up I had no idea that building a business takes 1 -2 years to build a steady flow until I took some advice off other salon owners, for me I'd have to say I've gained 5-6 regulars apart from all of the bargain hunters and salon hoppers! A lot of other business owners have also said that the end of the year is always quiet because you have people have their money for Christmas. A couple of weeks before Xmas up until new yrs you will definitely be busy. I had two busy weeks last month but I've been quite quiet since. I am now patient and whenever I have the quiet days I work on better ways to advertise and I am always added new products to make my business stand out! Xx

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