Well-Known Member
Hi everyone i'm new just joined 2day. I am hoping u guys will b able to help me :green: I have been doing nails on and off for 3 yrs yet I still feel like a student , I trained with essential nails a home learning course but feel like I got very little in the way of training lol, I work in a salon have done 4 about 3 months and I managed 2 get my timing down by half an hour so I can do a fullset in 2hours and normally rebalence in 1hour and a half yet every1 around me can do it in half the time and I seem 2 be doing the same as them? Also I can do really great smile lines at home on friend and even myself but when it comes to clients they are not 2 good , i had a 3 week rebalence in friday and it all went **** up It took me three hours and they were not to great. I am thinking of doing a converstion course to get better training do u think this will help?