New Website - what do you think?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all, not even qualified yet & i know i'm running before i can walk but i decided to go for it & attempt to build a website for the the beauty (although only model prices as yet) and my parties.

I'd really appreciate any feedback you could give, I know i still have work to do & want to add some more tabs


La Bella Diva


Looks really good Gail,

What facial products are you using, would be good to mention that?

Also who are you insured with? I would add "I am fully insured with xxx" Get a logo added onto your site of your insurance company too.

One question for you - where did you get the "stock photos" for your site from (e.g. the pic of the lady's face with the hands and the flower just above the navigation menu)?

As I've heard of some people receiving demands of hundreds of pounds for copyright infringement from Getty Images and Corbis Images (including a couple of people on Salon Geek last year) when they had images on their website that were owned by Getty or Corbis but were used without a licence.

So, if you found a nice image on a "Google Image Search" and thought it would look cool on your site, but don't know where it came from, then you may be playing a game of Russian roulette as to if it's a copyrighted image or not - and may find yourself with a stroppy letter from a solicitor at some stage in the future and a demand for hundreds of pounds with the threat of court action if you don't pay up!

I always recommend either taking your own photos (so you can guarantee that the copyright is yours), or using a stock photo website such as or to legitimately purchase any stock images for use on your site.
I'd use a different font on your navigation buttons...pretty hard to read.

Also, Im not sure if they're the right size- as they look a little squashed and distorted.

The picture on your Body Shop page is throwing it out a little too...presumably because the picture is wider than the template its sat in. So when you navigated to that page and back again- the sizes are jumping about.

Each page has a different size, colour and style of font...its usually best to keep it uniform.

Sorry! that all sounded a bit negative, but you did ask! :)
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Thanks for all the feedback it obviously still needs a lot of work - good advice about the pics Ruth I'll have to have a look where they came from because I've had them a while & yes some of them were from google images, maybe just get some more to be on the safe side
Thanks for all the feedback it obviously still needs a lot of work - good advice about the pics Ruth I'll have to have a look where they came from because I've had them a while & yes some of them were from google images, maybe just get some more to be on the safe side

If thats the case- i'd remove them straight away. It's not scare story, people (and some people on this site) are being sued for using pictures they've not paid for.

You either have to use totally free pictures (of which there arent many), pictures you've done yourself, or pictures you've bought.
thanks i have removed all im not confident of now

Hi Gail - I think the site looks good - I agree with Carl about the font for the menu though - it is difficult to read.

I have copied some of your text here and highlighted a couple of grammatical/spelling changes in red that you might want to make.

"I now have 2 teenage daughters and am starting to appreciate that the younger generation are loving the pampering & learning too.

After spending the last few years pampering them & their friends & doing a few parties for friend’s birthdays I realised there was a real demand for these sorts of parties so I introduced Mini Diva parties.

My love of all things involved within the Beauty industry has led me to go back to college & qualify as a Beauty Therapist, having completed my first year of this training & after many years of doing Body Shop parties you can be reassured you will be in safe hands."

Hope you don't mind!! Natalya :)
Thanks so much for all input I've updated & made the changes recomended - any more suggestions welcomed :)

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