proclere lightning products???


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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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melbourne australia
hey all, im from australia in case i gave it away up tha top...he he:lol: anyways,i was just wondrin about proclere lightning products as ive heard alot of good things on hear from you guys n we dont seem to have it ova hear:sad: just wonderin if anyonez used it and how to use it myself and would it be possible to get ahold of it down hear?im especially hunting 4 the proclere oil bleach soloution ive seen good reviews on hear about it 4 global all over blondes. any replies would greatly appreciated thanks again all!:p:D
emza xx
hey all, im from australia in case i gave it away up tha top...he he:lol: anyways,i was just wondrin about proclere lightning products as ive heard alot of good things on hear from you guys n we dont seem to have it ova hear:sad: just wonderin if anyonez used it and how to use it myself and would it be possible to get ahold of it down hear?im especially hunting 4 the proclere oil bleach soloution ive seen good reviews on hear about it 4 global all over blondes. any replies would greatly appreciated thanks again all!:p:D
emza xx

Hi EMZAGEEK I use the proclere oil gel bleach for any on the scalp techniques , its fab no itch no sting just superb but gentle for high lift blonding , I also use thier full range of herbal toners for after bleaching as they dont' produce grab ,
I get it form Sallys or Salons Direct in the UK , but I am not sure where you would get it from in Austrailia

here's a couple more links that may be helpful :) minky
thanks 4 tha quick replie hun,il hav a look at the links!thanks heaps!how do u use it i understand theres boosters or somethin u have 2 mix in with it????;)not realy like to no how 2 use the product:p:p
thanks 4 tha quick replie hun,il hav a look at the links!thanks heaps!how do u use it i understand theres boosters or somethin u have 2 mix in with it????;)not realy like to no how 2 use the product:p:p

Hi EMZAGEEK , I use it with 20 vol developer 2 boosters and a 50 ml bottle of gel , you can also get single applications ,
also everything you need is in the box except for the peroxide/ developer ,
it also has full mixing instructions inside the box

here is a picture :) minky

Blue frosting Gel Lotion is an oil based lightener with a gentle 'on and off' application to the scalp. The revolutionary double ashening process ensures the palest blonde on any type of hair.

* Ensures maximum lift and client comfort, using only 6% or 9% developer
* Unique double ashening process ensuring palest blonde results
* Lightens the darkest natural hair colour to blonde
* Control and increase the lightening action with additional boosters
* Ideal for special effects
* Unsurpassed condition
* Available in 50ml single and multi 6 x 50ml applications
I was taught to mix it a different way to what says on the box(and never thought to read the box til a few months back) was taught to do 3 packets, up to the number 1 on the measuring jug with gel, then top it up to number 3 with the peroxide, then mix. Now I'm scared to try it the correct way of mixing but of course there is nothing to do scared of!
I was taught to mix it a different way to what says on the box(and never thought to read the box til a few months back) was taught to do 3 packets, up to the number 1 on the measuring jug with gel, then top it up to number 3 with the peroxide, then mix. Now I'm scared to try it the correct way of mixing but of course there is nothing to do scared of!

Hi kimi , I too sometimes add more booster , I follow the mixing instructions on the box ...
but sometimes I will use a bit more boosters than two ..... also it says on the instructions you can add a bit more booster if you like....
:) minky
thank guys 4 tha help!! n a special thanks to u minky 4 tha pics thats mad!:p:p ill be able 2 get some via tha sally's/sally's express website?? do they sell to overseas?? coz id order it 4 my salon!!!! thanks again:D:D

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